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[LFG] Fragged Empire — New player

Greetings and salutations, I'm a two-time Fragged Empire Kickstarter backer, who still hasn't had the opportunity to play in a Fragged Empire game. Whether joining an already existing group, or helping assemble a new one, I'm interested in learning and playing the system. I'm in EST (GMT-5) and am primarily available on Fridays and Saturdays. Other days may be possible, depending on time and other factors (such as playing every other week to work around other conflicts). Feel free to check out my Roll20 user profile for more information about me, and send me a private message if you've got any additional questions. ~D.
I would definitely be interested as another player or, maybe, rotating GM. The thing is that I love so many parts of this game but struggle with pitching an idea or seeing how it flows. Even if someone were to run a short series or something would be incredibly helpful. It looks like a game that would really work well on R20. The potential is amazing but I just can't fit it all together without a run through it.
You guys still looking for a group?

Edited 1508516461
I'm still interested in joining a group, yes. At this point, my availability is primarily Wednesdays and Saturdays. To reiterate: I'm new to Fragged Empire , though I've got all the books.

Edited 1508553233
I'm still here, El Guapo. I'm CST/CDT (GMT -5). Can play Sunday/Monday at 8pm (3pm GMT) or Wed/Thurs/Saturday after 9pm [4pm GMT]. Wait, isn't EST (GMT-4)? I get confused.
Gen Kitty
Forum Champion
EDT (Eastern Daylight Savings) is GMT-4.  EST (Eastern Standard Time) is GMT-5.