So using the 5e OGL sheet there are often actions (including legendary actions) such as a Dragon's breath weapon that don't output an actual damage roll when the action is rolled: With this scriptlet, it will listen for such cases and autoroll the damage for you: Code: on('chat:message', function(msg) { // ROLL LISTENER if(msg.playerid.toLowerCase() != "api" && msg.rolltemplate) { if (msg.rolltemplate === "npcaction"){ let desc = ((msg.content.split("{{description=")[1]||'').split("}}")[0]||''); if (desc.match(/\(\d+(d)\d+.*\)/g)) { let output =[]; let roll = desc.match(/\(\d+(d)\d+.*\)/g); let type = desc.match(/\)\s\w+/g); for (let n = 0; n < roll.length; n++) { output[n] = {die: roll[n].replace(/\(/g, "[[").replace(/\)/g, "]]"), type: type[n].replace(") ", "")}; } for (let x of output) { sendChat(msg.who, "&{template:npcdmg} {{damage=1}} {{dmg1=" + x.die + "}} {{dmg1flag=1}} {{dmg1type=" + x.type + "}}"); } } } } });