Hello there, I am a DM for a 5e campaign I have been running for about a year and a half now. It is a multiple group in a single world campaign with an emphasis on RP, cool stories, and a community feel. We have separate discords for each group as well as a main channel discord where all 40ish of the players are in. This allows my players to not just join a group of DnD, but an active community that organizes cross-group play regularly. Also, it is set in Eberron which is basically the best DnD setting because robots. Here is the details for the campaign. As you can see you have access to the campaign's description and can sneak a peak at every group's RP forum and can read a recap of every single session the group's have had since this started. I am currently looking for 1-2 players for a Wednesday at 8pm est game.