Trying to drum up some interest in something other than 5e or Pathfinder... again. I've wanted to try playing Scion for years and I've had three groups for it that went through the trouble of making characters, but kind of just fell apart after that. While that's one of my first choices when it comes to systems I'd like to at least try at some point, I'm also very interested in plenty of other games. Namely stuff like Masks, Mutants and Masterminds, City of Mist, Dresden Files/FATE, Monster of the Week, just to name a few. It's probably obvious at this point, but I kind of would just really love to play a game in some kind of contemporary setting with magic and/or superpowers. Feel free to post here or send me a PM if you're at all interested in running something of this nature, or even if you'd just like to try banding together to find a GM for one of these systems. Thanks for taking the time to read this. Cheers and have a nice day.