I posted a question some time back and it was suggested we would eventually see the D&D5e DMG as purchasable content for Roll20. As I'm basically re-recreating parts of this as needed, some thoughts come to mind as to how things will be handled. I guess these are question, but also suggestions? How will content be delivered from the DMG? Will this be through the Compendium as the MM is? If so, if I give my players a magical item from the DMG, will they be able to add it to their character sheet using the Compendium drag and drop so long as they're in my game and I've purchased the content? Can you add roll links to compendium items that have roll values on them? For example, in the Potion of Healing's description it lists the 2d4 + 2 it heals. This should have a link to make that roll for you (ie. !-&-#-13;[[2d4+2]] (dashes removed)). This will especially apply to things like tables where a d100 roll is required. On all of my handouts for these tables, I've done this, as well as a rollable table when I click on the Description header of the table. Likewise, please consider using rollable tables for roll tables found throughout the book. When doing so, link to the entries in the output chat. I know I'm asking a lot on this one. Its mainly because this was a big time sink for me, and would ultimately provide value to other GMs I believe. Finally, Tables should have the items linked if in the compendium to make getting to them easier. In addition to linking rolls, can we link items on the character sheet to the compendium item, so players can easily find the content? I've made this comment on the SRD character sheet message as well. Here's an example of what I meant by tables. Every item is linked to either a handout or a compendium page. This is my biggest reason for the above. I like things to be consistent, and it would be nice if I didn't need a handout for all the items that are not in the SRD. Clicking on d100 rolls a d100 to the gm, while clicking on magic item rolls on a weighted rollable table.