This is a silly script that I wrote to keep track of the number (and type!) of monsters that each player kills. It will work for the types of monsters found in D&D/Pathfinder. Link: <a href="'s%20Kill%20Counter%20v.1.0" rel="nofollow">'s%20Kill%20Counter%20v.1.0</a> The script will create a new character sheet when first installed called "KillCount". Use the command !killCount to bring up the menu into chat. Clicking on "Add Player" will add a new player (or character) to the KillCount sheet for tracking their kills. Clicking on "Add Kill" will ask you for the player name, type of monster, and number of kills. These will then be added to the Kill Counter sheet. I suggest creating a couple of macros to go with this script. This one will allow you to add a kill at the click of a button. Make sure that you replace PLAYER1|PLAYER2 with the names of the players that you used when you added them via the "Add Player" button. !addKill,?{Name|PLAYER1|PLAYER2},?{Type|Aberration|Beast|Celestial|Construct|Dragon|Elemental|Fey|Fiend|Giant|Humanoid|Monstrosity|Ooze|Plant|Undead},?{Number|1} And this macro will put the kill count in chat for everyone to see. (This is using the OGL sheet template, you can switch it to whatever template works with your sheets. &{template:npcaction} {{name=Total Kills}} {{rname=Kill Counter}} {{r1=r1}} {{description=PLAYER1: @{KillCount|PLAYER1}
PLAYER2: @{KillCount|PLAYER2} }} Happy Rolling! May your kills be many!