I am starting a living world campaign and am looking for players and DMs In case you dont know how it works or I misused terminology, here is the run down. You have signed up with the Planar Order, a group of individuals under a god in human form, Murdnunoc. The main base is inbetween planes which allows for easier travel to diff planes, and areas within those planes. Hopefully I will get enough DMs to run at least one game every week hopefully more! The DMs will run ideas past me and set up a game, one-three shot or even a longer running campaign. The idea is to be able to run or join in a game quickly, without all the commitment. With any luck the DMs will be from different time zones allowing people from all over the world to play. The games will have a impact on the world, on the Order and even other players. It may be a bit slow at first, and this has been tried before, resulting in ghost towns but I think if we put in the work we can have a awesome living world and one-shot games whenever the rollplaying mood strikes! I am a DM, however I will probably only be able to run one-shots due to life and everything that comes with it. Hope to see you all there! <a href="https://discord.gg/WxbwEgY" rel="nofollow">https://discord.gg/WxbwEgY</a>