Which I expect will be a short thread as I don't expect many of the folk here to go out and see it in the theaters any time soon (and, honestly, I can't recommend doing so, though I think it's worthwhile streaming fodder at some later date -- $3 value in family snark and eyerolling, at the very least). I just want to note that Ezra Miller is a great Masks hero in JL -- a late teen with serious family troubles (dead mom, dad in prison for her killing), living on the streets (kind of), really smart but with an Aspergers-ish difficulty in relating to others or focusing (or defocusing) properly, learning to use his powers, joking to cover his nervousness around Adults Who Are So Much Smarter, Buffer, Lovelier, Competent and Confident Than He Is. Miller's nervous energy, his expressive face ... they all work really well. Even if there are a lot of beats that echo the TV show (not surprisingly, as both echo the source material), it still felt fresh because it had a different emotional resonance. Miller's work is enough to make me want to see the announced FlashPoint movie, even if that plot feels like it's been done to death already. Not sure which playbook to put this Flash into. He has a Beacon vibe (as seen in the trailers, he's not only willing to join the team, he accepts before Bruce's pitch is complete), but with major powers. There's also a certain Protege sense about Batman/Flash's relationship here that was fun to see in a few brief moments; in an actual Masks game, that could be fascinating to watch, given the very different personalities and power sets. The other obvious Masks material, Cyborg (Ray Fisher), a classic Transformed playbook, does less well. The character's tragic history and present suffered from both a late effort to lighten up the movie's tone and also to cut the movie to a 2 hour max run time, meaning all reports are that a lot of his backstory (and, one hopes, present story arc) got seriously curtailed. The result is a kid who goes from grumpy recluse to grumpy participant to quiet participant to engaged team member without the emotional sinews to make the progression work. The character thus falls much more flat on screen than in the Teen Titans cartoon or the original comics (both of which would be hard to beat), and his inclusion on the team draws from some weird stuff in recent years of the Justice League comics, making him more of a plot device than a character, sadly enough. There is (was? still is until the box office on JL is evaluated?) a Cyborg movie on the table. I don't have any passion for it one way or the other, which is probably not what any DC execs would want to hear.