Here's general background information about Halcyon City, along with unanswered questions . NOTE: none of these questions need to be answered here and now! If anyone has good answers, go ahead and reply, but this is usually going to be stuff that'll come out in play. Halcyon City is located in North Carolina, east of Rocky Mount and south of Elizabeth City. How did it come to be there, and rise up the way that it did? Who are the local leaders - mayor, city council, etc.? Notable mundanes include... AEGIS Agent Ted Waters Agent 1337 Halcyon High Doctor Dawes (image: Terminator's Freeman Dyson) Mr. Vigil (PE/gym, image: Bruce Campbell) Ms. "No!" Rodriguez (image: Honey Lemon), Leo's lab partner Taz (image: Homecoming's MJ), new creepy student "The Ponies" (Halcyon Herd) PowerPony Duskshine My Little Power Ranger (@PoniesAreMagic) Notable superheroes in Halcyon City include... A10 - attends school with Harry Gale, flying brick type? Played by Michelle Rodriguez Halcyon Heroes League (Silver Age) The Gale family of speedsters (honorary members) - Streak and Tempest Hyena - mysterious veteran vigilante superheroine Justice (Golden Age) - retired, may have a Protege Lucius - retired, running a coffee shop, TODO name The Quill family Transcendent (briefly turned evil) The Vindicators (Silver Age) any others? Notable supervillains in Halcyon City include... Achilles Chin (formerly) - not local, but has history with the Quills Alycia Chin - Jason Quill's nemesis Aquaria - defender of the oceans The Dread Queen - ruler of Vyortovia The Farlander- alien treasure hunter Ghostheart - sniveling diabolist Hannibal Lectric - cultured electric chessmaster Iconoclast - anti-hero anarchist King Winter - enemy of the Gale family Magus Everard - selfish sorcerer supreme Professor Spectre Sablestar - intergalactic anarchist Troll - wifi powered asshole Voltaic any others? Notable organizations in Halcyon City include... AEGIS Excalibur legacy (including Lucius) Hidden Family of the (Vyortovian) Throne, tied to Ghost Girl's family any others? Notable locations in Halcyon City include... Halcyon High - public high school, with multiple locations (North, South, Northwest, Riverside, Central, et cetera) Leo and Adam attend South. Halcyon's "superhero academy" - tends to have a lot of 'out' supers - Gardner Academy Paranormal elements known to the citizens of Halcyon City include... Universal Concordance - an alien intelligence Ghosts of the dead any others?