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LFP: D&D 5E, Time TBD, Roleplay/Story/Poltics, Homebrew, Not Rule Heavy, New DM


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Update: Games will be Weekly, on Thursday at 7PM Central. Hello, hello everyone! My name is Elstine and I am a new Dungeon Master of Dungeons and Dragons 5E; however I have been roleplaying and teaching roleplay for about eight years through various means like forums and WoW. I am looking to host a hopefully long-term campaign focused on roleplay, storylines, preferably at least a little intrigue and politics; I want to stress that I am not big on the rules and am rather lean on stressing over the rules and such - my focus is story and I want the players involved to be the same way. I am not accepting Rule Nazis, or Min/Max players; I want the focus on the story for the characters and the world. The game will be open-world based, it’ll be a mission of mine to avoid railroading but that being said the players should be able to be decisive and involved in where they'd like to go and what they'd like to do. This will be a homebrew world with its own lore, that being said I would like to sit down and meat with each of the players to discuss the races, lore, class lore, Gods, general world history, etc so they can create an immersive character according to the lore. Of course I might provide some input on a character, but ultimately the character is yours and I’d like for players to keep their creative freedoms. Some general rules: No player splitting - at least not initially. No obnoxious, evil/chaotic characters that focus on trying to derail the story, attack other players, attack NPCs for no reason, etc - there is evil/chaotic and there is annoying (To be clear, I don't mind chaotic/evil but try not to be a cartoon villain.) No major decisions without OOC party consent; I get this idea of IC/OOC but ultimately we are playing this for OOC satisfaction, the characters are fake we are real we matter more. It is important and fair that each player feels OOCly represented and heard; so I encourage the players to discuss the game together ICly and OOCly. ----------- Ideally I’d like for the characters involved to know each other prior to the start of our game; I’d like to have a sit down together ideally so we can go over the lore and make our characters together. If you are interested or have questions, please make a post with: Your prefered name General RP experience What you are most interested in from this post potentially The best moment you'v had in RP The worst moment you'v had in RP Group/DM pet peeves What is your greatest weakness to a group What is your greatest strength you bring to a group
Hi there~! I noticed your post and this sounds like it might be a great opportunity for some great fun! I love how you are taking initiative to meet and get to know players before the campaign starts. I think that's a great quality to create an immersive, ongoing game. The right players make a huge difference! Your prefered name: Jennifer General RP experience: I have been playing dnd for a long time on and off. I started with adnd table top when I was in highschool, I played Neverwinter Nights (3.5) online in a RP only server for over a year, and have been involved in quite a few failed roll20 campaigns over the past year. What you are most interested in from this post potentially: As I mentioned earlier it seems like you have the right attitude to form a solid group and a great storyline. Most gms don't bother with the pre game process, which I believe is why so many games here fail. The best moment you'v had in RP: A game I was involved in recently where we started as NPC's. I had a character that ended up becoming a summoner, however, she was completely and deathly afraid of magic. The dm let her summon her eidolon and spells by using a flute, which she was absolutely horrible at, instead of casting. It was so much fun to RP! The worst moment you'v had in RP: A game I played within the last year on r20.. the DM railroaded the campaign, and regardless of our rolls he did what he wanted. The metagaming was insane and I didn't last very long. Group/DM pet peeves: Metagaming is the worst! Not paying attention to "ham" players and cutting back their time so other players can get involved. What is your greatest weakness to a group: I have caught myself being that "ham" player at times, sometimes I get too excited. But I have worked on that a lot and have improved to be more of a team player! What is your greatest strength you bring to a group: Playing as a team and making sure everyone is having fun and getting involved. If you're interested in speaking with me I use discord. Lotus#0365
Hello Jennifer,  Nice to hear from you and I am glad you agree on my stance of recruitment. Of course I cannot speak for all GMs but one of ny favorite things is coming up with creative solutions with or for the player - such as your mention with the flute. As a roleplayer teacger i incorporated teaching ICly and OOCly having IC students usually being young or inexperienced in combat to break down the various intricate patterns of combat while at the same time helping them understand that details go a long way to understanding and appreciating roleplay in a written form; but what came up fairly often was someone wanting to play as... a Tank who was scrawny, and frail. Well. How do you solve that? You think outside the box a little... Rather than being a tank in the concept of absorbing damage for the team, instead be an agile life-saver that darts into combat and pushes allies out of the way of deadly blows. You get the same results (a living group) with the flavor of your own . i think everyone can be a 'ham' player, a term I hadn't heard of until now so i laughed a bit reading it. Excitement happens, especially in a situation when time feels to be of the essence - it's why I feel an Ic and OOC wall should be coherent; allowing me and the players to hear all the offered options and then OOCly deciding on the actual actions that take place. This prevents folks from ruining things and generally I feel lets the more quiet people have a voice as well.  At any rate, I should be able to contact you on discord this evening; thanks for your interest and I look forward to playing with you. Elstine.
Your preferred name - Bill General RP experience: -D&D [5e] two campaigns and limited DM experience -Starfinder -Shadow of the Demon Lord (GM) -Numenera -Been playing RPGs for about a year now, and made a deep dive!  What you are most interested in from this post potentially: -A steady group of players that are focused on the FUN (not derailing or semantics). The best moment you've had in RP: -In a vote of solidarity for my teammate with both donned helms simultaneously (against my recommendation) that had been found at the end of a mimic battle.  The helm I put on fused to my skull, granting me an insidious visage of metal and teeth. This granted me a plus to intimidate checks and a minus to charisma.  Led to sooo many fun interactions with NPCs. The worst moment you've had in RP: -Played a one-shot with a guy that made things very uncomfortable for the players and GM with IC racial insults, flirting with NPCs, and unwillingness to progress the plot.  Not in the spirit of the game. Group/DM pet peeves: -Be supportive of your team's decisions.  Derision is no fun. -Characters need flaws.  Don't be prince charming on a white horse. What is your greatest weakness in a group: -My accents change constantly. But I try.  -I like a slightly faster pace than some. What is your greatest strength you bring to a group: -Support! I will roll any class and background to fit the group and campaign.  I love character creation and finding a groove with the group. Discord: BillTheBourbon#0316
Hey there! My husband and I would be interested in playing with you and would be available after six I'm sure he will respond himself in time. I'm 33 about to be 34 and I don't have a ton of experience my husband turned me on to DnD when we were dating and I really enjoyed the story and problem solving aspects. I thought that the variety of things you could accomplish was truly amazing. What I like in the post is that you want to play a game focused on the story and that you don't want any rule nazi's. There is nothing I hate more than some one always spouting off that I'm doing x or z wrong. I feel that in DnD as long as it is in the agreed confines there shouldn't be a wrong way. Group/DM pet peeves has to be when couples can't play other things in games. Things like DM's girlfriends/boyfriends getting special treatment like objects or knowledge they shouldn't have or couples that just have to be a couple no matter what their characters are playing or doing. I think the weakness I bring is at the very beginning I am a little slow to warm up it takes a couple exchanges for me to get comfortable with some one and really let my creativity fly. My strength is my enthusiasm. I'm a stay at home Mom and I am really excited to have an outlet to explore my creativity and enjoy other people. 
Hello all, I would be interested in playing along with my wife, Sarah M. Your prefered name: Mark General RP experience: I have played for a number of years starting in D&D 3.0. I've played in several homebrew rulesets, with some DMing experience as well. What you are most interested in from this post potentially A steady gaming group. I used to play quite a bit with friends of mine, but some of them have moved out to California, and the others have real life obligations and can't play as often. The best moment you'v had in RP I was playing a dwarven battle cleric who was married as part of his backstory. He comes home as part of the adventure, and his wife asks where he has been all this time. My character stammers out some of the things the group had done, including fighting a dragon. "A DRAGON!??" She screamed. "I CAN"T BELIEVE YOU!. YOU KNOW VERY WELL HOW DANGEROUS THOSE ARE! I CAN"T BELIEVE YOU WENT OUT AND RISKED YOUR LIFE FIGHTING A DRAGON AND YOU DIDN'T BRING ME!" The worst moment you'v had in RP These were the players in one game I played with my brother and his friends: Human Fighter Elven Ranger Dwarven Cleric Katana-wielding were rabbit. Guess which one was the DM's girlfriend, and things just went downhill from there with railroading and general metagaming nonsense. Group/DM pet peeves People who take the game way too seriously. Characters that are unstoppable, and the player lets you know it at every turn. What is your greatest weakness to a group I'm not above creating an entire character backstory and concept for the sake of a pun. What is your greatest strength you bring to a group I bring some interesting characters, as well as some good problem solving.
Your prefered name Louis General RP experience twenty odd years DnD What you are most interested in from this post potentially open world and anti derail The best moment you'v had in RP Social engineering shop keepers for competitive information in in-game economy The worst moment you'v had in RP Players brining ooc issues into ic Group/DM pet peeves Elitists, inconsistent rules. What is your greatest weakness to a group High functioning autism What is your greatest strength you bring to a group tactician and teacher note, my wife would be joining with me if accepted. My days are limited by work to Tuesday or Sunday. If any other day there's a chance I will be late. 
Your prefered name Tiernan General RP experience more games then may be considered strictly healthy. What you are most interested in from this post potentially I also have an interest in up and coming GM's, as a GM veteran myself of many tabletop conquests, I watch with a great amount of interest at the fellow members of my favorite hobbies.  The best moment you've had in RP the greatest triumph I have had in recent memory as a player, was the recent climax of my last game a resounding battle with every ally I had acquired on my years-long journey starting the game as a lawful evil fighter wizard who found love, friendship and what it meant to live and triumph not only the evil of his enemies but the natural evil in himself. The worst moment you've had in RP The worst moment in recent memory usually comes from out of character disputes that end up ruining the game. Group/DM pet peeves I heavily dislike people trying to put other players down all the time, don't get me wrong I think it's alright to tell a goblin wizard with eight strength that he shouldn't try to pass that DC 20 strength check but telling fellow players what to do is frankly annoying, personally what I dislike from a GM is pulling there punches, if the characters make horribly stupid decisions the GM should not hesitate to pull the trigger on those bad decisions. What is your greatest weakness in a group my greatest weakness is I like to be in the moment, and I often overextend myself or more over my characters skills and abilities trying to be in the thick of it at all time. if you do except me into your arms do not hesitate to tell me when I'm talking to much or trying to do to much.
Your prefered name Swade Jaansun General RP experience really not enough time to list all , but I enjoy all major forms of interaction as long as there are no spotlight queens What you are most interested in from this post potentially to nerd it up with fellow RPing fans and get into a story  The best moment you'v had in RP Well I was a low level Vampire in Bloodlines and we went to the city and got into a fight with higher up Vamps, not knowing what the heck I was doing when one fell I drained his blood becoming a 10th gen vampire and one the most powerful out of our group The worst moment you'v had in R P same freaking night, I was hunted for the next year literally every session for a year I was on the run from his clan Group/DM pet peeves PHB spitters, everyone should know the rules , but you always that want you to know that have memorized the PHB word for word and can quote it at any turn,For a Dm, there should not be any railroading involved, or the whole I am DM I am God ego What is your greatest weakness to a group  I suck at voice and i really like to try and do them What is your greatest strength you bring to a group well my Dming expereince and my whol gaming expertise make me flexible playing any role

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Your prefered name: my real name is Jordaan but i go by Dan or Tobi General RP experience: 20 some odd years of RP Exp, & 6 months of Roll20 & DND  What you are most interested in from this post potentially: I just love any opportunity for rp. The best moment you'v had in RP: melting my brain cuz my character defied the dms attempts xD The worst moment you'v had in RP: being bored from text based games. Group/DM pet peeves: none what so ever as long as the games not text based im fairly chilled. What is your greatest weakness to a group: I dont leave character and tend to think like my character till some hours after the game has ended. What is your greatest strength you bring to a group: hardcore rpier and im more then willing to help the dm if needed.

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Your preferred name Seth or Skrag, it honestly doesn't matter to me too much. General RP experience I've been RPing on World of Warcraft since the launch of Cataclysm and I've been doing 5E DnD groups for around close to a year now. I've DMed numerous times before, mostly in the Warcraft medium, though I've begun to run groups for my local game store as well. What you are most interested in from this post potentially I'm interested to see how well you manage to keep the game coherent and well-paced without having to resort to railroading, and how you'll incorporate your overall story as the sessions go along. As well, I'm interested to know what your homebrewed elements are. The best moment you'v had in RP It was an event I set up and Co-DMed on WoW back during the summer of 2015. At the time, I was the guildmaster of an orc clan known as the Warfang Clan. With us were a guild of Tauren known as the Wolfmane and a handful of various other guilds along with us. The entire group totaled at nearly fifty players, which necessitated the use of numerous DMs. Our objective was to stop a mass summoning of demons being conducted by a powerful orc warlock, inspired by the announcement of the current WoW expansion, Legion. The event was a lengthy one; there were highs and lows as the large group battled against overwhelming odds, but in the end, a good deal of the group was gravely injured or incapacitated, with a handful of characters dying, including my own. It was a session full of vicious detail and passion between the gathered players, as well as a large amount of OOC talk and camaraderie, an element of RP that I simply cherish.  The worst moment you've had in RP At the start of this year, me and my long-time friends from WoW decided to have one of our number run a 5E campaign for us. We spent lengthy amounts of time setting up and making our characters. It was our first time playing DnD for many of us, and it was an incredibly fun and immersive experience. Save for one of us, who made a half-orc named Dimka. Dimka acted incredibly stupid, zany and near fourth-wall breaking, doing incredibly dumb things that made no sense, with the player justifying it as "it's my character being my character", even though we knew he was just screwing around with us. This would eventually culminate with him trying to rob a paladin several levels higher than us of our weapons, and our group getting PK'd, save my character, who was spared because he was a cleric, ironically, of the same faith the paladin belonged too. We were all rather cross with what he did, and he didn't receive an invite to the next session. Group/DM pet peeves I don't particularly like it when DMs act overly pushy or try to railroad the session to a large extent, nor do I like anything of the magical realm variety save if it is agreed upon by the players present. In terms of players, a group that doesn't have chemistry and get along is a bad one. As well, I am not a fan of the resident That Guy who tries to make the session about his character, and his character alone.  What is your greatest weakness to a group I may come across as rude sometimes due to my crass sense of humor. Additionally, I can sometimes be confused by mechanics I haven't been introduced too before.  What is your greatest strength you bring to a group I'm a competent storyteller and RPer with a love of the combat DnD brings with it, and I can build bonds with my party members with relative ease.  Oh, by the way, my Discord is Soundwave#0794.
Your Preferred Name : Saoirse General RP Experience : I used to role play in some text-based games roughly a decade ago until life caught up with me. I have no direct experience with D&D or tabletop RP games in general. What you are most interested in from this post potentially : Now that I've got more time, I'm hoping to get back into role playing and D&D looks like a fun way to accomplish that. The best moment you've had in RP : I recall a moment in a game (I cannot remember what it was called) in which I played a priestess of good alignment and having a debate with a priest of evil alignment regarding the nature of good and evil. It was not a particularly elaborate conversation, but the "back and forth" between us was quite a bit of fun. I love character interactions. The worst moment you've had in RP : There was a fellow once in a game who desired a more lustful interaction between our characters and I was uncomfortable with it. He wouldn't accept no for an answer, and long story made short, I ended up quitting the game. Group/DM Pet Peeves : In general, I'm bothered by people who take games a little too seriously and by people who don't know when to back off. What is your greatest weakness to a group : I'm am torn between two answers for this. First would be my lack of experience with D&D. Secondly, the fact my role playing is likely rather rusty after my long break from it. What is your greatest strength you bring to a group : I love a good story and I am willing to put forth the effort into helping create one.

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Your preferred name:   Chris General RP experience:   A few years. What you are most interested in from this post potentially:   You seem to want to secure a solid long term group and that is what I'm hoping to join. The best moment you've had in RP:   Was a combat encounter with a Fire Giant where I managed to kill it in a single round of combat.  There was help with a rule of cool ruling but it was pretty epic. The worst moment you've had in RP:   Watching a game implode because a DM was unable to deal with a problem player.  That was the most uncomfortable experience I've been involved in. Group/DM pet peeves:   Group pet peeves: Someone trying to run all the characters or make the game all about them.  Also, not being on task.  I have no issues with having out of game jokes or stories but when playing in game I like to be involved in the game. What is your greatest weakness to a group:   I've played so many meat shields with a low Charisma score, (not all by choice but necessity) that I don't know how to play anything else and I've been trying to buck that trend. What is your greatest strength you bring to a group:   Not sure to be honest.

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Your prefered name Alex General RP experience im newish i played 4 or 5 sessions so far of 5e but im pretty good since 5e is simple What you are most interested in from this post potentially a DM that isnt super by the books about rules and campaigns so a chance to have my real open world rp experience i want. i all about story i enjoy the story and affecting it more than playing with the group of people. love the idea of getting into politics and stuff The best moment you'v had in RP being able to play a guest villain in someones game im still playing. and i dont even care if he dies i played a big part in the story and thats all i could have asked for. The worst moment you'v had in RP a rule nazi left a game because she didnt like how me and the others played the game Group/DM pet peeves like how you hate cartoon villains i hate cartoon basic good adventures i think a group should be willing to go to the gray areas not just a plain old good group. What is your greatest weakness to a group haven't had much problems yet What is your greatest strength you bring to a group im very adaptable to play a character that fits the groups/stories best interest. and im good at rp i will love being involed with the story.
Hey folks, I have secured three players thus far and we have room for one more player. We will have games weekly on Thursday at 7Pm Central and games will typically last 2-3 hours. I'll be reading through all the apps and make a decision before game day. Thanks for interest!
Let me start off by saying that I probably can't commit to a long term campaign right now, but I would be willing to step in if you needed an extra hand or if a player is sick/can't make it for some reason. Or, if you need a guest star to play a character/guide/villain... That being said: Your prefered name: Baxter General RP experience: I've been playing D&D (3.5 and 5) off and on over the last 6 years. Earlier this year my IRL friends and I started a consistent Wednesday game, and I've been playing a consistent Discord game off of Roll20.  What you are most interested in from this post potentially: I like that you are leaving creative aspects up to players in collaboration... and that you don't mind some intrigue or politics.  The best moment you'v had in RP: The time when I removed the locking bar from a door, opened the door and came face to face with an Owlbear. It attacked me, and I attacked it back with a push maneuver. I, then, slammed the door shut, replaced the locking bar, and said, "Not this door." The worst moment you've had in RP: I played with a DM that liked to humiliate our characters.   Group/DM pet peeves: I guess that if I have to say something here it would be a player that actively seeks to harm another player for a non-story reason. I get characters who have been hired to kill another player. It's story, it could be fun. I had a friend that liked killing the other people in his party for fun.  What is your greatest weakness to a group: It's hard for me to get into character unless I have an accent, but I don't have a wide range of accents. So, what I might sound like could be very anachronistic to what we are doing.  What is your greatest strength you bring to a group: Two things here... my schedule. I live in cst, and I'm off by 3 every day with weekends free (my only two non-playable days are Wednesdays and Sundays because I have games already set those nights). Second, I am a very flexible player. I don't mind playing any race or class. I like being the fill-in. I normally allow other characters to choose first, and I take up the last slot and play something that helps round the party out. So, if you need a fill in character for a night... let me know. Discord: Baxter#0988