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AoE script not correctly aligned

I made a color spray but whenever I cast it, it asks me for the radius and then points the graphic to the northwest.  It will not let me select another direction for it using the cone/breath option.  Any ideas what I may be doing wrong?
Ada L.
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
API Scripter
For the cone option, the AoE's direction is set to whatever the token's rotation handle is facing. This is not always the direction that the token's graphic is actually facing.
thank you.  I did figure out that it sets based on WHERE I draw the line when setting the effect.  That line determines which direction the graphic points.  I really like the script.  I get lots of API crashes based on if I attack a larger or smaller token that my source token, but I'm learning where the limits are.
Ada L.
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Crashes? Can you provide a copy of your API console log when a crash like this happens?