Hi all, My group currently has one or two slots available for someone to fill. As a little bit of background, we are very strict about being on time. We play every other Saturday from 5-9pm PST. This group has been going for a little over a year now and we're knee deep in the campaign. I am the DM of the group. I would like to get someone who has experience already as you will be starting out at level 10 but no one in the group is against having complete newbies. We love teaching people how to play. A microphone is REQUIRED . We don't mind a little background noise as long as it isn't constant. We also want someone a bit more on the mature side. Feel free to PM me or post here if you're interested or have any questions. I'll be more than happy to talk to you! Edit: Recruiting has been closed for now. Thank you to everyone who pmed me!