Hi folks, A couple of years ago, my full rock band (Slod) played live at GenCon. We essentially broke up after that as some of us moved away from each other. Our continuing project is TPK Sound Foundation (Total Party Kill Sound Foundation), which stylistically gives nods to drum&bass, dub, hard rock, and other genres. However, it's ultimately full-on geekcore music. The songs all reference gaming. It's not your typical background "mood music" for gaming -- e.g., winds, dripping water in caves -- but rather the sort of stuff you whip up at the opening of the session or in battles. If you like it, great, and if enough people like it, maybe we'll keeping making more. If you hate it, great. But we figure we are one of the few music projects out there releasing anything referencing 1st edition D&D modules. ;) You can insert our tracks into your jukebox by referencing tpksoundfoundation, all one word. Here's a link to a track. And that's Andy, one of the two of us, with Gail Gygax. <a href="https://soundcloud.com/tpksoundfoundation/concordant-opposition" rel="nofollow">https://soundcloud.com/tpksoundfoundation/concordant-opposition</a> Mark