I get the error in the title when I run the script, but I'm not sure what's returning the error, since it's occuring in the updateStatusMarker protocol and thus obscured from view. Here is my code, if that helps: on('chat:message', function(msg) {
if (msg.type != 'api') return;
var parts = msg.content.split(' ');
var command = parts.shift().substring(1);
if (command == 'staff') {
if (parts.length < 2) {
sendChat('SYSTEM', 'You must provide a selected token id and a target token id.');
var selectedId = parts[0];
var targetId = parts[1];
var selectedToken = getObj('graphic', selectedId);
var targetToken = getObj('graphic', targetId);
if (!selectedToken) {
sendChat('SYSTEM', 'Selected token id not provided.');
if (!targetToken) {
sendChat('SYSTEM', 'Target token id not provided.');
var who = getObj('character', selectedToken.get('represents'));
if (!who) {
who = selectedToken.get('name');
} else {
who = 'character|' + who.id;
var staffer = getObj('character', selectedToken.get('represents'));
var target = getObj('character', targetToken.get('represents'));
//...objects and stats; I don't think any of these are causing the error and seem to be perfectly fine
//They're referenced elsewhere in the code, though, so I wouldn't recommend running it anywhere
//example object
const Silence = {
name : "Silence",
type : "status",
target: [Magbd],
effect : Number(MagB.get("current")) * -1,
status: "status_interdiction",
chatmsg: targetToken.get("name") + " cannot use magic for the next turn!"
//list of objects
const staveslist = [Heal,Mend,Physic,Recover,Fortify,Bloom_Festal,Sun_Festal,Wane_Festal,Moon_Festal,Great_Festal,Freeze,Enfeeble,Entrap,Rescue,Silence,Hexing_Rod];
//I'm pretty sure the error occurs somewhere here
if (WTypeA != "Staves/Rods"){
chatstr += "\n Weapon is not a staff!"
} else {
for (var i in staveslist){
if (staveslist[i].name == WNameA){
j = staveslist[i];
//check for range
if (((Range1A) <= (diff/70)) && ((diff/70) <= (Range2A))){
if (j.type == "healing"){
//Set with workers in respect to total caps
HPVal = Number(CurrHPB.get("current")) + j.effect
CurrHPB.setWithWorker({current: HPVal})
chatstr += "\n" + targetToken.get("name") + " is healed for " + String(j.effect) + " HP!"
if (j.type == "status"){
for (var a in j.target){
chatstr += j.chatmsg
} else {
chatstr += "\n Staff is not in range!"
sendChat(who, chatstr);