I use Roll20 character sheets for the Players, but not for random NPCs/monsters. For NPCs I just paste in (if from a module) or create a stat block inside the DM notes of a token. The Roll20 character sheets just have basic attributes and stats needed for macros, so players don't have to constantly look up what their AB is and type out their rolls, they can just hit the macro button for the most commonly used things. The main PC character sheets are hosted on Mythweavers.com. I've given players access to their sheets there so they can just have them open in a new tab and use that for tracking spells, inventory, etc. As for the attributes needed for macros, you don't need much. Just Base Attack Bonus, the 6 ability score bonuses, saving throws, and only the few most commonly used skills for that character. I created a couple for spells that get used a lot as well, like healing. The trick is just to limit the macros to only the things that get used the most, the right balance and you avoid clutter while speeding up the game quite a bit. It's tempting to record and macro everything, but that just creates problems with the limitations of the current Roll20 macro and character sheet interface. It's also a lot of stuff to have to update when characters level up.