Three of Swords said: I believe the script Tracker Jacker will handle #1. As for #2, I don't believe anyone has posted a script to handle that. I have one that I wrote for personal use, but it doesn't remove status markers. It just reminds you to make the Con Save. I included it below. Feel free to use it if you wish. A couple of notes: As stated, all it does is remind you to make the Con Save. It does not remove any status markers. I use the Overdrive status marker on tokens to indicate they are Concentrating. If you want to use a different marker, change overdrive below to something else. var TOKEN_CONCENTRATING_STATUS_MARKER = "status_" + "overdrive";
on("change:graphic:bar1_value", function(obj, prev) {
var playerPage = Campaign().get("playerpageid");
var tokenPage = obj.get("_pageid");
if (prev["bar1_value"] > obj.get("bar1_value")) {
var final_conc_DC = 10;
var calc_conc_DC = (prev["bar1_value"] - obj.get("bar1_value")) / 2;
if (calc_conc_DC > final_conc_DC) {
final_conc_DC = Math.floor(calc_conc_DC);
sendChat("TokenDamage", "Make a Concentration Check DC " + final_conc_DC + ".");
Hi, Three of Swords, I've tried to change this into using bar3 but if I just change the text above from bar1 to bar3 it doesnt function. What am I missing? Never mind. I'm a moron. :P And the script is great! Thank you very much.