The Character Sheet I work on does this. It is a combination of HTML and Javascript (on an API Script). The files for the Sheet/API are @ <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> . Include the lines of code below, but they have a bunch of logic for the game and i am not useful enough at javascript to just strip out what you need. On the HTML (Line 7535); <option value="!eed npcinit rollPlayer(character:@{NPCName1}|skill:presence,rankCool) label(skill:NPC-Initiative Cool|NPC Type:@{groupmission-NPCtype1}) @{NPCInitModifiers1} @{dicePool} (gmdice)">Cool</option> On the API Script (Lines 1948-2015); eote.process.rollPlayer = function (cmd, diceObj) {
//Build cmd string
//get characterID
//get skills
//get encum
//remove rollPlayer(xxxx) from string
var match = {
skill: /skill:(.*?)[\|\)]/,
encum: /encum/,
character: /character:(.*?)[\|\)]/
var characterMatch = cmd[1].match(match.character);
var companion = null;
var character = null;
if (characterMatch) {
var charObj = findObjs({ _type: "character", name: characterMatch[1] });
if (charObj.length > 0) {
diceObj.vars.characterName = charObj[0].get('name');
diceObj.vars.characterID = charObj[0].id;
else {
sendChat("Alert", "Can't find character. Please update character, or npc, name field to match sheet character name and try again.");
return false;
else {
sendChat("Alert", "Please update character, or npc, name field.");
return false;
var encumMatch = cmd[1].match(match.encum);
var attr_1 = null;
var attr_2 = null;
if (encumMatch) {
attr_1 = getAttrByName(diceObj.vars.characterID, 'encumbrance', 'max');
attr_2 = getAttrByName(diceObj.vars.characterID, 'encumbrance');
var cmdEncum = ['encum(' + attr_1 + '|' + attr_2 + ')']; //["encum(3|5)"]
diceObj = eote.process.encum(cmdEncum, diceObj);
var skillMatch = cmd[1].match(match.skill);
if (eote.defaults.globalVars.debugScript) sendChat("Alert", "skillmatch=" + skillMatch.toString());
if (skillMatch) {
var attrArray = skillMatch[1].split(',');
attr_1 = getAttrByName(diceObj.vars.characterID, attrArray[0]);
attr_2 = getAttrByName(diceObj.vars.characterID, attrArray[1]);
if (eote.defaults.globalVars.debugScript) {
sendChat("Alert", "attr_1 = " + attr_1);
sendChat("Alert", "attr_2 = " + attr_2);
var cmdSkill;
if (!isNaN((parseFloat(attr_1)) && isFinite(attr_1))) { // is numeric
cmdSkill = ['skill(' + attr_1 + '|' + attr_2 + ')']; //['skill(0|2)']
} else {
var attr_3 = getAttrByName(diceObj.vars.characterID, attr_1.substr(2, attr_1.length - 3));
cmdSkill = ['skill(' + attr_3 + '|' + attr_2 + ')']; //['skill(0|2)']
diceObj = eote.process.skill(cmdSkill, diceObj);
return diceObj;