I am looking for any of the following api please when using in conjunction of "Variant PHB 176" Currently we get a red message when a players sheet is encumbered. However it does not modify their move speed. Encumbered = -10 movement speed Heavily Encumbered = -20 movement speed & Disadvantage on Saving throws, Attack rolls, Ability checks. I would like that to reflect on their character sheet. Meaning their "Speed" changes automatically to reflect it and perhaps turn any dice rolls that suppose to have disadvantage to disadvantage. So I do not have to constantly check of my players has any penalty at all. 2) If possible or #1 isnt doable like changing character sheets via API; than I would hope I can get something to work in conjunction with this API (link below). I would like that to reflect on a script like this. Unfortunately I am having issues with this script though.. perhaps it needs a clean-up or updated to the current 5E OGL sheet. But this will automatically lock my players movement speed to reflect if they have encumbrance. <a href="https://app.roll20.net/forum/post/186018/slug%7D" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/forum/post/186018/slug%7D</a>