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Old Lady Twitch Streaming D&D on Roll 20! Me!


Edited 1517153606
Want an amusing twist on DMing?&nbsp; I'm a 70-year-old woman who's been playing D&D for nearly 50 years and DMing for 30. Our Curse of Strahd group has been running on Roll 20 since the beginning of December and they're such a great RP group I decided to throw them into deep water on Twitch livestream. If anyone wants to watch our first (and very likely error-filled) episode on Jan 21, we'll be running Sunday nights at 5:30pm Pac/ 8:30pm East/ 1:30am GMT. It's running under the title "Crone's Crucible".&nbsp; Come join us! &nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

Edited 1516480614
We run our first live episode tomorrow night, Sunday.&nbsp; Can't wait to see what trouble the Crone's vic.... er.... volunteers will get into. We're currently in Vallaki and they've stirred up plenty of trouble while trying to get out of town before the Festival of the Burning Sun starts. Unfortunately the trouble they initiated (what's a few vampire spawn among friends, eh?) delayed them enormously and they've now relegated themselves to being the Baron's show-and-tell for the evening. The trouble, however, has seriously eroded the Baron's support among the townsfolk. Let's see if his show can restore their faith in him.
Tonight is Saturday for me. Is this a one time thing, or did the game day change?
Corrected to Sunday, no you are correct.&nbsp; I'm just that anxious, I guess!
Pat S.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
I thought I was going to miss the game on twitch due to conflict with a game I join having it's first session at about the same time. Glad it is tomorrow.
Best way into the stream tomorrow night is <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
I was relieved! Our first stream went off [relatively] error-free!&nbsp; Thank you Roll 20 for providing the world-sized tabletop that we could do this on! We'll continue to stream each Sunday night. Tonight: the adventurers were in the middle as all hell broke loose in Vallaki. Revolution! They're trying to restore order!

Edited 1516925057
The YouTube has been posted. I'll make the prep screen shorter next week.&nbsp; Video starts more like 17:00, so jump ahead over the "We'll be with you shortly" stuff.&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> The subscription link to the Youtube channel is&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
We're set to broadcast again this coming Sunday, Jan. 28th, 5:30pm Pac, 8:30pm East, 1:30am GMT. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> The intro will be separated from the show this week so the recording doesn't have the long "We'll be with you shortly" on it when I Youtube it. I'm still amazed at the response I've been getting. Thank you all!
If anyone has suggestions about methods of getting video feeds from the players without going through Skype or Discord, et al, throw me a hint here. Would like to get a more professional look.

Edited 1517153733
We stream again tonight. Vallaki is in near revolt and our intrepid adventurers are caught between the sides. Rictavio has fled, riding a tiger, and all plans the party had are in disarray. Will they flee the village, seek counsel, try to get the wines they had started for before the vampires attacked the church...? Strahd is taking great delight in watching them squirm.&nbsp; (As is The Crone DM) So many dangers, so little time. Tonight I will handle the introduction section differently, so those that watch on YouTube will not have to jump a long section. And just for the record... anyone who has experience in streaming, feel free to post or message me with hints, corrections, information. I have a lot to learn and am willing to do it.

Edited 1517246355
The video for last night's stream can be found at&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Our short term goal for the stream will be to improve our intros and endings with some more interesting artwork, etc. As they say on the fence with a construction site: "Watch this space!" Again, a thank you to @Roll20 for providing us with the format used for the fun!
And a shameless ad for GaryCon, March 8-11 in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin!&nbsp; Celebrate the creativity of the Father of D&D, Gary Gygax. You can get info at the website for it,

Edited 1517261241
best video and audio program i use is Vsee you can set the OBS to capture each player indepantly so you can move the windows or even snap them grid form
I think your stream setup is fine.
Thanks @Lordmage, I'll check that out. I have to spend like 2 minutes each week behind the scenes to move titles to where Discord sticks the participants. It's different every week, so I'm frantically pasting while the intro plays.&nbsp; Since I'm Chief Cook, Bottlewasher, Tech Crew and DM it can get busy.&nbsp; We're also working big time on a simple animated intro that I can play as a video while I ready stuff. Thanks for the compliment @Chris; we're new at all this but we're learning tons every week. By about week 4 you should start to see a more professional look.
Are you going to be streaming tonight?

Edited 1518147200
Sorry I missed your inquiry, Chris. Yes we streamed, and will be doing so again this coming weekend, Feb. 11th.&nbsp; We've got to figure out how they're going to fix the mess Vallaki government is in at the moment&nbsp; &nbsp; :D&nbsp; We're also thrilled with the intro one of our players created (Kyle/Ippotis)
I was there&nbsp; :p