Some time is going to pass, I think. More on that in another post. The article continues on 2B, talking about how the HHL is (somewhat atypically, it is subtly implied) helping out with the literally street-level problem of returning vehicles to owners, damage clean-up, et cetera. The rest of the article talks about the Vyortovians at the embassy claiming no knowledge of any wrongdoing (aside from stepping into the vacated offices. "It seemed the most expedient solution, and everyone seemed to think we belonged there - the signs on the doors WERE for our country." They flatly denied any knowledge of whatever effect was causing the memory alteration or tampering. There's a long B-section continuation on what seems to have been the scope of the tampering, an article in the tech section on the fact that while the memory altering seems to have been reversed, worldwide modifications to databases are still MOSTLY missing Icelandic information. (Databases nearer the eastern sea board seem to be in better shape, and public spaces like Wikipedia were able to, once their techs could remember Iceland, find backups from a few years ago and restore them.) Almost ten thousand homeless individuals worldwide (many diagnosed with some form of dementia in the last few years) have been identified as Iceland nationals away from their country when it disappeared. Most are being relocated or connected with family members who suddenly remembered they exist. The current president is blaming the previous president for the whole thing. ... and this breaking news did not help.