Palanthis said: BUT i tried to replace the spell macro with yours, and it still didn't work when i launched the roll query macro. I got this message : No character was found for 'selected|casterlevel2}]] minute(s) (D)}} {{Save:= None }} {{SR:= No }} ' When you get something like that it usually means that the syntax has broken somewhere, that looks like a rogue } has ended the query early and prompted the system to look for an attribute that is the last section of the spell. It worked fine for me in testing so all I can suggest is make sure that all the html replacements are in place and intact. Palanthis said: It's not so bad because i could use your other solution which seems pretty cool to me. But i'm not sure to fully understand what you meant (i guess my english isn't so good) so i could use more explanations. ...So i figured it was easiest to copy all my macros on external text files Your English is excellent, far better than my <insert your native language here>! And yes, I always advise keeping external versions of your macros for editing and those 'just in case' moments, one accidental click could ruin a LOT of work in the app. Palanthis said: - i guess i could work with your character journal solution. But what do you mean by that exactly ? (all the tabs and settings are in french on my roll20, unfortunately). Is it a new character sheet with only spells on the abilities tab, or is it a "game document" (i'm not sure of the english word for it on roll20) that is filled with spells that all players could see ? i don't really understand where these spells macros would be located, and if they are abilities on a sheet, how you could then call them from another sheet ? Also, where do you type the ?{Spell to cast|Detect Magic,%{Spells|Detect-Magic}|Spell 2,%{Spells|Spell-2}| macro ? would it be an ability on another spellcaster sheet, then ? The abilities section of a journal is the last of the 3 tabs (Bio, Character Sheet, Attributes and Abilities) that all journals have (unless no character sheet was selected at start up...). In there you can add abilities that can be called using the % syntax over the # macro syntax. As long as you know the sheets name to use you can call any sheets abilities from the chat using that method so yes, you would set all the spells up in one sheet but reference them with an ability set up on a casters sheet using a macro along the lines of the ?{Spell to cast|Detect Magic,%{Spells|Detect-Magic}|Spell 2,%{Spells|Spell-2} etc etc macro. The tedious bit would be creating the list of spell options for divine casters who simply have too many options lol. Palanthis said: Also, my initial idea was to prepare some quick ways for my spellcasters to choose a spell from a spell level, so yes, i would break down the call macro in several spells levels. Is it safe to write such a long macro ? It would be REALLY long if it had to call every arcane spells , for example. Arcane isn't too bad since you'd only need to code, and write a query to call, the spells known by those caster classes which is limited to a small number per level... unless your wizard takes years out to buy and scribe every scroll into a load of spell books! But yes, the list can get quite long... here is one of my players, a druid, casting list. The key to it is to ask them to tell you which of the many options they are likely to use and only code them into the query (again note that my query is slightly different since it calls universal macros via a button sent to the chat rather than directly from a character sheet... I should fix that one day but they are level 16+ now and its a lot to deal with!!): /w "@{selected|character_name}" ?{What Level|
Create Water&#44;[Create Water](!&#13;#createwater)&#124;
Cure Minor Wounds&#44;[Cure Minor Wounds](!&#13;#cureminorwounds)&#124;
Detect Magic&#44;[Detect Magic](!&#13;#detectmagic)&#124;
Know Direction&#44;[Know Direction](!&#13;#knowdirection)&#124;
Read Magic&#44;[Read Magic](!&#13;#readmagic)&#124;
Aspect of the Wolf&#44;[Aspect of the Wolf](!&#13;#aspectofthewolf)&#124;
Aura Against Flame&#44;[Aura Against Flame](!&#13;#auraagainstflame)&#124;
Calm Animals&#44;[Calm Animals](!&#13;#calmanimals)&#124;
Cure Light Wounds&#44;[Cure Light Wounds](!&#13;#curelightwounds)&#124;
Enrage Animal&#44;[Enrage Animal](!&#13;#enrageanimal)&#124;
Faerie Fire&#44;[Faerie Fire](!&#13;#faeriefire)&#124;
Lesser Vigor&#44;[Lesser Vigor](!&#13;#lesservigor)&#124;
Metal Fang&#44;[Metal Fang](!&#13;#metalfang)&#124;
Produce Flame&#44;[Produce Flame](!&#13;#produceflame)&#124;
Snakes Swiftness&#44;[Snakes Swiftness](!&#13;#snakesswiftness)&#124;
Speak with Animals&#44;[Speak with Animals](!&#13;#speakwithanimals)&#124;
Winter Chill&#44;[Winter Chill](!&#13;#winterchill)&#125;|
Animalistic Power&#44;[Animalistic Power](!&#13;#animalisticpower)&#124;
Bite of the Wererat&#44;[Bite of the Wererat](!&#13;#biteofthewererat)&#124;
Blinding Spittle&#44;[Blinding Spittle](!&#13;#blindingspittle)&#124;
Briar Web&#44;[Briar Web](!&#13;#briarweb)&#124;
Bull's Strength&#44;[Bull's Strength](!&#13;#bullsstrength)&#124;
Cat's Grace&#44;[Cat's Grace](!&#13;#catsgrace)&#124;
Chill Metal&#44;[Chill Metal](!&#13;#chillmetal)&#124;
Easy Trail&#44;[Easy Trail](!&#13;#easytrail)&#124;
Flame Blade&#44;[Flame Blade](!&#13;#flameblade)&#124;
Flaming Sphere&#44;[Flaming Sphere](!&#13;#flamingsphere)&#124;
Frost Breath&#44;[Frost Breath](!&#13;#frostbreath)&#124;
Healing Sting&#44;[Healing Sting](!&#13;#healingsting)&#124;
Heat Metal&#44;[Heat Metal](!&#13;#heatmetal)&#124;
Hold Animal&#44;[Hold Animal](!&#13;#holdanimal)&#124;
Lesser Restoration&#44;[Lesser Restoration](!&#13;#lesserrestoration)&#124;
Master Air&#44;[Master Air](!&#13;#masterair)&#124;
Metal Fang&#44;[Metal Fang](!&#13;#metalfang)&#124;
Nature's Favour&#44;[Nature's Favour](!&#13;#naturesfavour)&#124;
Resist Energy&#44;[Resist Energy](!&#13;#resistenergy)&#124;
Snakes Swiftness&#44; Mass&#44;[Snakes Swiftness&#44; Mass](!&#13;#snakesswiftnessmass)&#124;
Soften Earth and Stone&#44;[Soften Earth and Stone](!&#13;#softenearthandstone)&#124;
Spider Climb&#44;[Spider Climb](!&#13;#spiderclimb)&#124;
Tree Shape&#44;[Tree Shape](!&#13;#treeshape)&#124;
Warp Wood&#44;[Warp Wood](!&#13;#warpwood)&#124;
Winters Embrace&#44;[Winters Embrace](!&#13;#wintersembrace)&#124;
Wood Shape&#44;[Wood Shape](!&#13;#woodshape)&#125;|
Bite of the Werewolf&#44;[Bite of the Werewolf](!&#13;#biteofthewerewolf)&#124;
Call Lightning&#44;[Call Lightning](!&#13;#calllightning)&#124;
Charge of the Triceratops&#44;[Charge of the Triceratops](!&#13;#chargeofthetriceratops)&#124;
Corona of Cold&#44;[Corona of Cold](!&#13;#coronaofcold)&#124;
Cure Moderate Wounds&#44;[Cure Moderate Wounds](!&#13;#curemoderatewounds)&#124;
Dominate Animal&#44;[Dominate Animal](!&#13;#dominateanimal)&#124;
Evard's Menacing Tentacles&#44;[Evard's Menacing Tentacles](!&#13;#evardsmenacingtentacles)&#124;
Giant's Wrath&#44;[Giant's Wrath](!&#13;#giantswrath)&#124;
Girallon's Blessing&#44;[Girallon's Blessing](!&#13;#girallonsblessing)&#124;
Lion's Charge&#44;[Lion's Charge](!&#13;#lionscharge)&#124;
Magic Fang&#44; Greater&#44;[Magic Fang&#44; Greater](!&#13;#magicfanggreater)&#124;
Nature's Rampart&#44;[Nature's Rampart](!&#13;#naturesrampart)&#124;
Neutralise Poison&#44;[Neutralise Poison](!&#13;#neutralisepoison)&#124;
Primal Form&#44;[Primal Form](!&#13;#primalform)&#124;
Protection from Energy&#44;[Protection from Energy](!&#13;#protectionfromenergy)&#124;
Remove Disease&#44;[Remove Disease](!&#13;#removedisease)&#124;
Resist Energy&#44; Mass&#44;[Resist Energy&#44; Mass](!&#13;#resistenergymass)&#124;
Speak with Plants&#44;[Speak with Plants](!&#13;#speakwithplants)&#124;
Spirit Jaws&#44;[Spirit Jaws](!&#13;#spiritjaws)&#124;
Vigor&#44; Mass Lesser&#44;[Vigor&#44; Mass Lesser](!&#13;#vigormasslesser)&#124;
Wreath of Flames&#44;[Wreath of Flames](!&#13;#wreathofflames)&#125;|
Arc of Lightning&#44;[Arc of Lightning](!&#13;#arcoflightning)&#124;
Bite of the Wereboar&#44;[Bite of the Wereboar](!&#13;#biteofthewereboar)&#124;
Control Water&#44;[Control Water](!&#13;#controlwater)&#124;
Creeping Cold&#44; Greater&#44;[Creeping Cold&#44; Greater](!&#13;#greatercreepingcold)&#124;
Cure Serious Wounds&#44;[Cure Serious Wounds](!&#13;#cureseriouswounds)&#124;
Dispel Magic&#44;[Dispel Magic](!&#13;#dispelmagic)&#124;
Flame Strike&#44;[Flame Strike](!&#13;#flamestrike)&#124;
Healing Spirit&#44;[Healing Spirit](!&#13;#healingspirit)&#124;
Ice Storm&#44;[Ice Storm](!&#13;#icestorm)&#124;
Lay of the Land&#44;[Lay of the Land](!&#13;#layoftheland)&#124;
Magic Fang&#44; Superior&#44;[Magic Fang&#44; Superior](!&#13;#superiormagicfang)&#124;
Meteoric Strike&#44;[Meteoric Strike](!&#13;#meteoricstrike)&#124;
Rusting Grasp&#44;[Rusting Grasp](!&#13;#rustinggrasp)&#124;
Spike Stones&#44;[Spike Stones](!&#13;#spikestones)&#124;
Sudden Stalagmite&#44;[Sudden Stalagmite](!&#13;#suddenstalagmite)&#124;
Vortex of Teeth&#44;[Vortex of Teeth](!&#13;#vortexofteeth)&#124;
Wind at Back&#44;[Wind at Back](!&#13;#windatback)&#125;|
Baleful Polymorph&#44;[Baleful Polymorph](!&#13;#balefulpolymorph)&#124;
Bite of the Weretiger&#44;[Bite of the Weretiger](!&#13;#biteoftheweretiger)&#124;
Blood Creepers&#44;[Blood Creepers](!&#13;#bloodcreepers)&#124;
Call Lightning Storm&#44;[Call Lightning Storm](!&#13;#calllightningstorm)&#124;
Cloak of the Sea&#44;[Cloak of the Sea](!&#13;#cloakofthesea)&#124;
Contagion&#44; Mass&#44;[Contagion&#44; Mass](!&#13;#contagionmass)&#124;
Control Winds&#44;[Control Winds](!&#13;#controlwinds)&#124;
Cure Critical Wounds&#44;[Cure Critical Wounds](!&#13;#curecriticalwounds)&#124;
Death Ward&#44;[Death Ward](!&#13;#deathward)&#124;
Dire Hunger&#44;[Dire Hunger](!&#13;#direhunger)&#124;
Enlarge Animal&#44;[Enlarge Animal](!&#13;#enlargeanimal)&#124;
Flesh to Salt&#44;[Flesh to Salt](!&#13;#fleshtosalt)&#124;
Ice Flowers&#44;[Ice Flowers](!&#13;#iceflowers)&#124;
Ice Shield&#44;[Ice Shield](!&#13;#iceshield)&#124;
Insect Plague&#44;[Insect Plague](!&#13;#insectplague)&#124;
Longstrider&#44; Mass&#44;[Longstrider&#44; Mass](!&#13;#longstridermass)&#124;
Phantom Stag&#44;[Phantom Stag](!&#13;#phantomstag)&#124;
Quill Blast&#44;[Quill Blast](!&#13;#quillblast)&#124;
Rejuvenation Cocoon&#44;[Rejuvenation Cocoon](!&#13;#rejuvenationcocoon)&#124;
Stone Shape&#44; Greater&#44;[Stone Shape&#44; Greater](!&#13;#stoneshapegreater)&#124;
Transmute Stone to Sand&#44;[Transmute Stone to Sand](!&#13;#transmutestonetosand)&#124;
Tree Stride&#44;[Tree Stride](!&#13;#treestride)&#124;
Vigor&#44; Greater&#44;[Vigor&#44; Greater](!&#13;#vigorgreater)&#124;
Wall of Fire&#44;[Wall of Fire](!&#13;#walloffire)&#125;|
Anger of the Noonday Sun&#44;[Anger of the Noonday Sun](!&#13;#angerofthenoondaysun)&#124;
Animate Snow&#44;[Animate Snow](!&#13;#animatesnow)&#124;
Antilife Shell&#44;[Antilife Shell](!&#13;#antilifeshell)&#124;
Aspect of the Earth&#44;[Aspect of the Earth](!&#13;#aspectoftheearth)&#124;
Awaken Sand&#44;[Awaken Sand](!&#13;#awaken sand)&#124;
Bite of the Werebear&#44;[Bite of the Werebear](!&#13;#biteofthewerebear)&#124;
Bull's Strength&#44; Mass&#44;[Bull's Strength&#44; Mass](!&#13;#bullsstrengthmass)&#124;
Call of the Twilight Defender&#44;[Call of the Twilight Defender](!&#13;#callofthetwilightdefender)&#124;
Chasing Perfection&#44;[Chasing Perfection](!&#13;#chasingperfection)&#124;
Dinosaur Stampede&#44;[Dinosaur Stampede](!&#13;#dinosaurstampede)&#124;
Dispel Magic&#44; Greater&#44;[Dispel Magic&#44; Greater](!&#13;#dispelmagicgreater)&#124;
Energy Immunity&#44;[Energy Immunity](!&#13;#energyimmunity)&#124;
Enveloping Cocoon&#44;[Enveloping Cocoon](!&#13;#envelopingcocoon)&#124;
Extract Water Elemental&#44;[Extract Water Elemental](!&#13;#extractwaterelemental)&#124;
Find the Path&#44;[Find the Path](!&#13;#findthepath)&#124;
Fire Seeds&#44;[Fire Seeds](!&#13;#fireseeds)&#124;
Fires of Purity&#44;[Fires of Purity](!&#13;#firesofpurity)&#124;
Hungry Gizzard&#44;[Hungry Gizzard](!&#13;#hungrygizzard)&#124;
Protection from All Elements&#44;[Protection from All Elements](!&#13;#protectionfromallelements)&#124;
Stone Tell&#44;[Stone Tell](!&#13;#stonetell)&#124;
Summon Greater Elemental&#44;[Summon Greater Elemental](!&#13;#summongreaterelemental)&#124;
Thunder Field&#44;[Thunder Field](!&#13;#thunderfield)&#124;
Tidal Surge&#44;[Tidal Surge](!&#13;#tidalsurge)&#124;
Transport via Plants&#44;[Transport via Plants](!&#13;#transportviaplants)&#124;
Wall of Stone&#44;[Wall of Stone](!&#13;#wallofstone)&#124;
Wooden Blight&#44;[Wooden Blight](!&#13;#woodenblight)&#125;|
Animate Plants&#44;[Animate Plants](!&#13;#animateplants)&#124;
As the Frost&#44;[As the Frost](!&#13;#asthefrost)&#124;
Aura of Cold&#44; Greater&#44;[Aura of Cold&#44; Greater](!&#13;#auraofcoldgreater)&#124;
Brilliant Aura&#44;[Brilliant Aura](!&#13;#brilliantaura)&#124;
Control Weather&#44;[Control Weather](!&#13;#controlweather)&#124;
Cure Moderate Wounds&#44; Mass&#44;[Cure Moderate Wounds&#44; Mass](!&#13;#curemoderatewoundsmass)&#124;
Haze of Smoldering Stone&#44;[Haze of Smoldering Stone](!&#13;#hazeofsmolderingstone)&#124;
Master Earth&#44;[Master Earth](!&#13;#masterearth)&#124;
Storm of Elemental Fury&#44;[Storm of Elemental Fury](!&#13;#stormofelementalfury)&#124;
Storm Tower&#44;[Storm Tower](!&#13;#stormtower)&#124;
Swamp Lung&#44;[Swamp Lung](!&#13;#swamplung)&#124;
Transmute Metal to Wood&#44;[Transmute Metal to Wood](!&#13;#transmutemetaltowood)&#124;
True Seeing&#44;[True Seeing](!&#13;#trueseeing)&#124;
Wind Walk&#44;[Wind Walk](!&#13;#windwalk)&#124;
Word of Balance&#44;[Word of Balance](!&#13;#wordofbalance)&#124;
Wrack Earth&#44;[Wrack Earth](!&#13;#wrackearth)&#125;
Animal Shapes&#44;[Animal Shapes](!&#13;#animalshapes)&#124;
Awaken&#44; Mass&#44;[Mass Awaken](!&#13;#awakenmass)&#124;
Control Plants&#44;[Control Plants](!&#13;#controlplants)&#124;
Cure Serious Wounds&#44; Mass&#44;[Mass CSW](!&#13;#cureseriouswoundsmass)&#124;
Earth Glide&#44;[Earth Glide](!&#13;#earthglide)&#124;
Finger of Death&#44;[Finger of Death](!&#13;#fingerofdeath)&#124;
Flesh to Salt&#44; Mass&#44;[Mass Flesh to Salt](!&#13;#fleshtosaltmass)&#124;
Leonal's Roar&#44;[Leonal's Roar](!&#13;#leonalsroar)&#124;
Mantle of the Fiery Spirit&#44;[Mantle of the Fiery Spirit](!&#13;#mantleofthefieryspirit)&#124;
Phantom Wolf&#44;[Phantom Wolf](!&#13;#phantomwolf)&#124;
Red Tide&#44;[Red Tide](!&#13;#redtide)&#124;
Reverse Gravity&#44;[Reverse Gravity](!&#13;#reversegravity)&#124;
Speak with Anything&#44;[Speak with Anything](!&#13;#speakwithanything)&#124;
Unearthly Beauty&#44;[Unearthly Beauty](!&#13;#unearthlybeauty)&#124;
Unyielding Roots&#44;[Unyielding Roots](!&#13;#unyieldingroots)&#124;
Palanthis said: Last but not least, i saw in another old post that a compendium for 3.5 was discussed. Is this a working project ? I would love to see such a compendium (i really prefer 3.5 to Pathfinder or 5th edition) and i guess a lot of players must have a lot of informations in their 3.5 campaigns on roll20. I could contribute to it myself because my goal is to play the lancedragon campaign on roll20 with my friends. In doing so i intend to create all the monsters sheets i need, (and the spells also) and could add them in the compendium if they're not there already. From what i gathered, only a google doc by Diana P exist, and it contains only a few levels of spells, not monsters. Thanks again for all your advices :) The team are definitely keen to expand the systems covered by the compendium, I believe the intent was to ensure that the 5th edition one was gold standard and then add others to match. I know I've put myself down to help with the 3.5e one already. An email to <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> to express your interest and willingness to help certainly wouldn't go unnoticed. External spell data is a cagey affair as not all spells are OGL, I have a list some 3500 long of spells that are loosely coded for powercards (API script) and to suit my own styling requirements but I couldn't share that due to the volume of non-OGL stuff in there. Us die-hard 3.5ers have just got to soldier on until then I guess which simply adds more value to the 'store spells in a character journal to move between games' idea :) And you are most welcome, happy to be able to help... It's a steep learning curve but you'll soon get the hang of it!