For generations upon generations, the Glyphwardens of The Silver City has been protecting the order of the multiverse, after the World Before was torn apart by unknown forces, leading to a multitude of worlds existing separate from one another, connected only by the mysterious Lanes Between, perilous passages filled with horrors and only accessible with the use of Glyphs; marks of interdimensional power, carried by all Glyphwardens.
The knowledge of the Lanes Between, the worlds beyond and the Glyphs themselves are all contained within the, equally mysterious, Apocrypha of Yzarc, an ancient tome of unknown origin, which has still not been fully interpreted, even after centuries of study.
However, recently, the esteemed Glyphwarden Cassus Gherric stole the Apocrypha, and, during his escape, injured several other wardens and destroyed a large part of The Silver City, before vanishing into the Lanes Between... Whatever his plot, the Apocrypha must be returned!
The knowledge of the Lanes Between, the worlds beyond and the Glyphs themselves are all contained within the, equally mysterious, Apocrypha of Yzarc, an ancient tome of unknown origin, which has still not been fully interpreted, even after centuries of study.
However, recently, the esteemed Glyphwarden Cassus Gherric stole the Apocrypha, and, during his escape, injured several other wardens and destroyed a large part of The Silver City, before vanishing into the Lanes Between... Whatever his plot, the Apocrypha must be returned!
- Starting Level: 1st
- Starting Equipment: Class & Background
- Races allowed: Human (variant or no), Elf, Dwarf, Gnome (considered Dwarf-Elf mixes), Hafling (Considered Dwarf-Human mixes), Half Elf and Half-Orc.
- Classes Allowed: All, except Warlock.
- Magic restrictions: No ressurection or Planar magic.
- All characters will be initiate Glyphwardens. I will help make a believable character :)
- Players should be interested in roleplaying, not simply fighting on and on. I enjoy interactions between characters, and the more the better!