Hey guys, we've been playing a west marches campaign on roll20 for over six months now but it's started to sag. The campaign has started to slow down in regards to load times, hiccups with occasional freezes during turn orders, etc. It's still playable by and large, but some people in lower end systems have definitely started to have problems playing or just connecting in general. Some things about our campaign that may help diagnose this: Character Sheets: Shaped. About 60 player sheets, the rest monsters. About 500 character sheets/tokens total in our handouts counting archived. Pages: ~250, many using dynamic lighting. No advanced fog of war maps at all. All get archived except for 7-8 at a time when we need them. We also remove all tokens from the maps when not in use, but I'm sure there's some in there that still have some on field. Handouts: ~50-60 API: "GroupInitiative: Size: 0.279kb Percent: 0.4%" "Bump: Size: 5.230kb Percent: 7.2%" "TokenMod: Size: 0.075kb Percent: 0.1%" "TokenNameNumber: Size: 36.613kb Percent: 50.4%" "ShapedScripts: Size: 3.983kb Percent: 5.5%" "roll20-logger: Size: 0.020kb Percent: 0.0%" "TokenSwapper: Size: 0.055kb Percent: 0.1%" "TurnMarker: Size: 0.473kb Percent: 0.7%" "HealthColors: Size: 0.334kb Percent: 0.5%" "Torch: Size: 3.115kb Percent: 4.3%" "Roll20AM: Size: 15.434kb Percent: 21.3%" "Walls: Size: 0.207kb Percent: 0.3%" "DoorControls: Size: 6.557kb Percent: 9.0%" "RecursiveTable: Size: 0.015kb Percent: 0.0%" "Total: Size: 74330b Percent: 100.0%" Jukebox, if that matters: ~200 tracks Voice/Video: NONE, we tell everyone to disable webrtc entirely. Browsers used: Chrome (incognito), Firefox What causes the most lag? What's the most efficient to tackle to clean up? Reducing our monster token count is doable, areas not as much since only the main GM account can actually transmog. Would turning dynamic lighting off on archived maps make a difference? What performance hit do archived things have? Does archived just mean 'hidden' and they're still causing performance hits? What about character sheets, do those cause performance issues for other people? Any information would be a great help.