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[LFG] Standard or High Fantasy 5e game. Faerun is a plus.

So, I always, always DM. I want to play! I am getting to play in a game that is more horror based, but I still want to play in a more typical D&D game...because I -never- get to. I have a female Wizard character in mind for it, but can play other things, too! A game that is a little more hopeful, would be good. A game where doing heroic things makes a difference would be nice. I am kind of WoDded out, if you get my meaning. Character development + action and adventure is good. I want to be able to kill some goblins and save some innocents, and go from lvl 1 on up to being a real hero, you know? I lean towards playing with voice, but using cam as well is fine by me. I lean away from Pay 2 play, simply due to lack of funds. Have room for me? Comment here or PM me with anything! *Crosses fingers* Oh, Wednesdays are out, but any other day, really (Other then Saturday until about 1 or 2 pm PST) is open.

Edited 1517186503
Forum Champion
Hi Joseph. I read your Roll20 Profile, and decided to just inquire. Would you have any interest in a throwback to AD&D 2nd Edition game? It would be Mondays mid-day to afternoon in your time zone. We are currently playing a series of one-shots while trying to form a solid group to start a long campaign that will be like what you described, character development + action-adventure, Level 1 and rising, with heroic tones and high fantasy, high magic involved. Not FR setting but similar vibe. It's a game that is not too hung-up on mechanics but is based on 2E for things like spells, classes, magic items, monsters, and so on.
I haven't played 2e since high school, but I would certainly be interested in giving it a go. I can get ahold of the pdfs and such if you let me know which ones you are using, and if you're cool with me getting used to the system again. Just been a long time!
Forum Champion
Great, I had a feeling from your profile bio that it would be cool to meet and get you in the game with my group. I will send you a PM with Join Link for the games.