I'm putting together a character sheet for a PBTA game. For anyone not familiar with the core mechanic of Apocalypse world games, you roll 2d6 and add a stat, a result of 6 and bellow is a failure, 7-9 is a partial success, 10+ a success. Certain games like the one I'm making the sheet for include character advancements that allow for a great success (dynamite success in the code below) with results of 12+ under certain conditions. I have a Roll Template that displays the options a player has based on their results, but the display for 12+ is dependent on some behind the scenes Boolean Math on the character sheet that I can't get to parse when sent to the template. Here's the basics of the roll template. This part is functioning correctly. {{#rollGreater() is_dynamite 0}}
{{#rollGreater() check 11}}
<div class="movedesc">{{dynamite}}</div>
{{/rollGreater() check 11}}
{{#rollBetween() check 10 11}}
<div class="movedesc">{{success}}</div>
{{/rollBetween() check 10 11}}
{{/rollGreater() is_dynamite 0}}
{{#^rollGreater() is_dynamite 0}}
{{#rollGreater() check 9}}
<div class="movedesc">{{success}}</div>
{{/rollGreater() check 9}}
{{/^rollGreater() is_dynamite 0}}
{{#rollBetween() check 7 9}}
<div class="movedesc">{{partial}}</div>
{{/rollBetween() check 7 9}}
{{#rollLess() check 7}}
<div class="movedesc">{{miss}}</div>
{{/rollLess() check 7}}
The Boolean is based around the property {{is_dynamite}} which any value above 0 should unlock the 12+ results. The math is done by following Auto-Calculated Fields: {{is_dynamite=@{move_is_dynamite}}}
<input type="number" name="attr_move_is_dynamite" value="((@{logos1_active})*@{logos1_move_dynamite}) + ((@{mythos1_active})*@{mythos1_move_dynamite})" disabled>
<input type="number" name="attr_logos1_active" value='[[ @{logos1_power_A_tag} + @{logos1_power_B_tag} + @{logos1_power_C_tag} + @{logos1_power_D_tag} ]]' disabled/>
<input type="number" name="attr_mythos1_active" value='[[ @{mythos1_power_A_tag} + @{mythos1_power_B_tag} + @{mythos1_power_C_tag} + @{mythos1_power_D_tag} ]]' disabled/>
<input type="checkbox" class="" name="logos1_power_A_tag" value="1">
<input type="checkbox" class="" name="mythos1_power_A_tag" value="1">
<input type="checkbox" class="" name="logos1_move_dynamite" value="1">
<input type="checkbox" class="" name="mythos1_move_dynamite" value="1"> Now for some reason @{move_is_dynamite} displays correctly on the sheet as a whole number, but when {{is_dynamite=@{move_is_dynamite}}} is sent tot the template, it renders it as an equation breaking the template. Stranger still, if the first portion "((@{logos1_active})*@{logos1_move_dynamite})" would equal a non zero number the template works as intended, but if the second portion "((@{mythos1_active})*@{mythos1_move_dynamite})" gets ignored entirely. The math is correct for what I want it to do, but roll20 doesn't seem to be doing the last part of the equation, adding "((@{logos1_active})*@{logos1_move_dynamite})" and "((@{mythos1_active})*@{mythos1_move_dynamite})" when sent to the roll template. So.... what the heck?