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looking for a group. (New player.)


Edited 1517368466
I am a 22 year old looking to find a solid fun DnD group to play with thrue a campaign. I have only ever done one other DnD game and it was quite the mess the dm haveing all these homebrew rules and such and everything kinda fell apart to be honest. I might need help getting stuff ready. I want to enjoy an rp in a normal DnD esque setting for a hopefully stable run here. Availability: The only days i cant show up at all are thursdays and sundays. Any other day im happy to be there but my work schedule is the definition of random as my days arnt fixed. I usualy get home somewhere between 5:15 to 7:15 pm cst. Altho im available alot of the week allmost all day. I will say I rarely work tuesday and wendsday tho. I usualy only work a couple days a week tho so there is allways a couple days i'm free during the week. I will say I prefer not to rp saturday either but can live with it.
One last thing is id like to find a group thats really tight knit. I dont want to just find others to play with im also interested in finding friends.
Hey there Azeronical.  Finding a single group to play 3 or 4 times a week is pretty rare, usually you need to be in several groups for that sort of thing.  There is, however, the group that I'm in right now which averages about 9 games a week (You don't have to go to all of them, but you can go to several of them).  We play D&D4e and its a pretty big community of players and DMs that hang out and run games.  The group has been going for about 4 years and we have gotten to know each other quite well, not only from games but from chilling out in our group skype chat and talking all sorts of random nonsense over the years. If that sounds like the type of game and community you are looking for, head on over to our LFG Blurp . If it looks like something you want to play in, post on the interested players thread and you will get invited to the campaign. You can also send me a contact request on Skype at Gravymattingly if you have questions or want to be added into guild chat if you decide to join. I look forward to seeing you at table!
Gary M said: Hey there Azeronical.  Finding a single group to play 3 or 4 times a week is pretty rare, usually you need to be in several groups for that sort of thing.  There is, however, the group that I'm in right now which averages about 9 games a week (You don't have to go to all of them, but you can go to several of them).  We play D&D4e and its a pretty big community of players and DMs that hang out and run games.  The group has been going for about 4 years and we have gotten to know each other quite well, not only from games but from chilling out in our group skype chat and talking all sorts of random nonsense over the years. If that sounds like the type of game and community you are looking for, head on over to our LFG Blurp . If it looks like something you want to play in, post on the interested players thread and you will get invited to the campaign. You can also send me a contact request on Skype at Gravymattingly if you have questions or want to be added into guild chat if you decide to join. I look forward to seeing you at table! I will think on it. I find it hard to get invested in oneshots. I willl post if I decide to join. and as far as me saying I want 3-4 times a week I Also will take a few once a week groups.
To be clear, a Living Campaign isn't like oneshots where you play a character once and then don't play it again.  You keep your same character playing through all of the different adventures and you move between DMs and Tables to play the storylines you enjoy following.  Most of the DMs have their own setting with a series of adventures that explain the setting (my games for example are all linked together and there are about 50 adventures to play through).
Gary M said: To be clear, a Living Campaign isn't like oneshots where you play a character once and then don't play it again.  You keep your same character playing through all of the different adventures and you move between DMs and Tables to play the storylines you enjoy following.  Most of the DMs have their own setting with a series of adventures that explain the setting (my games for example are all linked together and there are about 50 adventures to play through). Well I put up a request in that case.
You have been invited and should see the invitation to the game (and the welcome message) in your inbox.
I have one small issue gary. I have no money and no way to buy the books needed for the info on 4e. am I generally well stuck in a hard place or is their free info I can find thatll save me.
Azronical said: I have one small issue gary. I have no money and no way to buy the books needed for the info on 4e. am I generally well stuck in a hard place or is their free info I can find thatll save me. Short answer: Yes. Longer answer: When you join in the FAQ there is a small program that contains all the information from every book.  It doesn't cost anything but time to play in our games.