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API Character Creation Interface (the hard way…)

Stephen S.
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Its just using a map and token actions to create a simple form as a user interface. Using the split the party feature you can create a map that is design only for creating a character for your chosen system. Place a player on the map…. and several tokens will be visible… One character journal has all the form "options" as "abilities" and the API keep straight which ones are "shown" as a token action and which token "step" is the active step and therefore related to the sheet (with an option to go back a step.) The API knows "who" sent the "option" click (token action for the given step) and what value was selected (you could even get input text using the modifier function for "abilities" for things like "name"), which step is the current step and can stores all the progress in a "state" array for the character as the player "clicks" through the options. (As the player progress the API changes which token is related the character journal driving the form options and token actions.) Once all the steps are complete... the record sheet will be created. This would work just fine... it would just take thoughtful consideration and time to code. But this would be a API character Creation Interface done the hard way…
Alex L.
Sheet Author
You could do the same thing with the table bio ui system someone came up with and all you would need is a character and one token.

Edited 1388168966
Stephen S.
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
API Scripter
The Trader Joe one? Riley pointed out a flaw with that idea.... and I found it annoy to deal with (laggy)... This one is should be much faster and use less server resources.
Ok I'm sorry for being a newb but, I get the feeling from reading this post that I need to be in a game before I can make a character- is that right?
Stephen S.
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
API Scripter
No.... not at... You just need to have a group of players and a rule set for whatever game you choose to play and you can roll up a character under those rules using pen and paper... or whatever... This talk about API's for character creation and such is just talk about automating that process in the roll20 platform (which is just a virtual table top.)
It does sound like a great idea, the hardest part is understanding what the numbers mean and putting them in the right place to be at your best. If the scripting can make it easier it will an essential part of my toolkit.
Justin B. said: Ok I'm sorry for being a newb but, I get the feeling from reading this post that I need to be in a game before I can make a character- is that right? Roll20 is not a game or game system by itself. It is just a tool to play games with.