I'd like to suggest that character sheet authors be allowed to use HTML 5 datalists in their character sheets. Benefits: Datalists are an excellent alternative to selects when you have a large dataset to search through. Datalists are searchable from the linked inputs Problems/Downsides Datalists have to have an ID assigned in order to be linked to an input. This technically does not work with character sheets since the elements are not unique in the DOM since there are multiple sheets. However , since character sheets have no method of interacting with the DOM other than via the sheetworker functions, the datalists would be static, so having multiple datalists with the same id would be irrelevant as they will all be identical. The duplicate IDs could be bypassed by adding an additional special class similar to the rolltemplate class that defines a div that is placed outside of the character sheet where items with unique IDs can be placed. Alternatives A sheetworker function that would give us access to whatever autocomplete javascript Roll20 uses on the rest of the site to bypass the need for html 5 datalists.