Video Jason's perspective Harry's perspective Down Below Concord blips away to the a crystalline cavern where the Keynome resides. The crystals flare in brilliance. Not hot, not cold, more like being in space. An intense shock. The loudest white noise ever. [Powerful Blow! Conditions.] Seems to react -- very old -- like a rival power. The crystals are the accreted residue of the Keynome. Attempts to reach out to the Keynome. [Superior roll to "Energy Siphon"] Adam tries to absorb its energy. It's ... not compatible. And the Keynome is not happy. Sol: "I know what we can do." Up Above More and more Vyortovians. The Corvus guards have retreated to the school, and they're badly outnumbered. The V troops are more heavily armored, carry shields, guard the Dread Queen. They are clearly going to very Leo+Pneuma+Otto A10, Telekinesian, Alloy, Armiger Mercury JLH is en route. Link to Mercury: You and your family have done something crazy with invading troops before -- what should we do? Mercury: Brawl with troops, try to distract/engage with the Queen, knock her down a bit while tackling down the other people. Link goes after the Queen. Harry going after the troops. Plowing through the vanguard ... Harry successfully hits, but just barely with Link's help. But the focus has to be on minimizing collateral damage around this residential area. Harry quickly realizes that the stuff missing him is going to be tearing up the neighborhood. And the supporting Irregulator team taking a lot of damage. [Harry takes conditions: Hopeless, Guilty, Angry] Sepiaverse Jason gets a message from ... Sol? [REDACTED] They need help. Immediately. Jason gets up, Summer's on comms, and Charlotte. They've gotten similar (and personalized) messages. Jason calls them to the Keynome room. Up Above Leo has figured out what ... they're doing? Triangle between the tip of the island, the DC Keynome and the Halcyon Keynome. That tip must be where their Keynome is. The three together -- shenanigans. The HHL are fighting there in Vyortovia. Leo sends word to the HHL (via Stingray) that they need to go down under the mountain. How to end this quickly? Defeat the DQ. And that will take everyone. On her. (Trusts Mercury to handle that battle.) Sepiaverse Jason wants to use Charlotte's ties between worlds. To Alycia: "Come with me if ... you want a ride home." "Almost the right line. Why?" "Trouble." "I am very ... down with ... helping. (creased forehead) Draw on the Keynome for power. Charlotte could help, but ... [Jason rolls 3] Alycia -- working machinery, swearing about janky pieces of shit Charlotte -- picture that passage withiout teraring a hole Summer -- [being supportive] Major pyrotechnics. Byron rushes in -- doesn't talk, just ... runs over, yells, "What are we doing?" -- starts flipping switches, shutting down shit. Which reduces the hardware demands, and we can figure out what has to happen. Charlotte - taking possession of the gate. Aiming for ... "Jason, we need to focus on where we want to go." Summer: "Leo" Jason: "Do it!" Summer make a projection Jason to Dad: Thanks. Walking through a graveyard in autumn ... a dank cave ... an old library. ... and step into ... Up above ... "step into the light" Two lights ... it's a car. Otto does a stumbling double-take, rolls, and back into a car, "Welcome to the party, guys!" Battlefield mayhem. Alycia: I assume I'm shooting the bad guys. Jason: Protect our people, protect the innocents, shoot the bad guys. Leo: Concord needs help. Sol to Adam: I can handle this, if we do a 100% merge. You will have the capacity to do this, handle the energy flow, but you;ll have to handle how to move the energy. Adam: But what's going to happen to -- Sol: The only other way is to vent the excess energy straight up,annihilating the school and whoever's up there. Adam: (goes for it) Sol: You can do all of this. You've always been able to do all of this. This isn't a thing that anybody can admit can happen. They're going to recognize what they were wrong about. They will be coming. Floating in mid-air, light coming out of eyes, a metaphysical shedding of skin, the sploding of head. [Nova. And burn. 14 - Kapow!] 1. Snatch - Encase the Keynome with his power. A tech device, a geode, a heart, a brain ... 2. Send it elsewhere. Open a portal, shove it through to ... the space where Sol once was. [But clears Insecure] Heads to the battlefield. Leo ... Jason, Charlotte, Summer, and Alycia have arrived. Concord appears right next to link. He has no scarf. His colors have ... changed. "Good news: I've moved the Keynome. Bad news: I am the Keynome ." 10 and group are getting back on their feet. Leo: Get a barrier up. Rally behind it. I have a plan. Harry: Clear a rally point by ... running in circles, pushing everyone back. [11 Full Hit] "Rally on me!" And everyone does. Jason (Nano barracuda), Concord (Moat), Telekinesian creating physical barriers, and Ghost Girl creates a Wiggins Field. Otto standing in a humanoid shape. DQ and Vanguard - flurry of activity, advice from three people, and SHE'S LOOKING THIS WAY. Leo links up with Pneuma and Otto. Link-Plus, outer shell blows off, he begins venting fuel, and electrical system ignites it, and can so can use magnetic fields to direct him really, really fast, like a rocket, straight at the DQ. She is, impossibly, ready for it. Otto ejects the other two, and pulls back. Leo -- every punch is perfect, every kick is perfect, flawless. Pneuma, too -- but the DQ's moves are just as perfect. Jason and Alycia can see -- what Hypergenius can get you in the field when you are an immortal creature. L and P are clearly not going to be able to win. DQ is ... cheating? Alycia -- "The fuck?" About to be laid flat, and then just not there. (Use the Keynome?) The rest of the team is charging forward, clearing the field around the three fighters at the center of this. It's the kids. They're not obeying orders. They;re not doing this because they are commanded. They are staring doom in the face, and not giving up. Because this is their home. Junior HHL is plowing in, no plan. [ Business for each character] And at that point, Leo's plan comes fruition. She begins to empathize with us. The Dark Queen catches a punch of Leo's, knock's Pneuma back hard. Looks at Leo, straight in the eyes ... and nods. Palm strike in chest, knocks him back 20-30 feet ... And the carrier lights up, the troops start retreat. A10 - Are we letting these guys get away? Leo is down. Summer, arm dislocated, staggers over. He's okay, but ... Jason: Hold your ground. Clean up stragglers. Secure the high school Charlotte: Possesses a scientist -- make him surrender. [Freak ... 4] Alycia shoots him the kneecap to break his concentration. They're retreating. We're regrouping. Check for collateral damage. Harry getting word of nasty fight in Vyortovia -- unconfirmed reports, nothing about the carrier that appeared over Halcyon City. This dark-haired girl [Alycia] walks up. "Hey, Mercury, right? We met, a couple of weeks ago? Shot lighting at you. Sorry about that. Could you ... you're the Gale kid, right? Could you call AEGIS and tell them I need to talk?" AEGIS is inbound. "Just tell them you have Alycia Chin in custody and need to remand ... just get them here before Jason figures this out and does something stupid." Hands over her weapons . Jason is checking on wounded, standers-by. Corvus guys are barricaded, pretending they aren't there (probably communicating with AEGIS), establishing their narrative. Concord: [Yeah, we've got Facet.] GG has her scientist. Link is down, semi-conscious, but resting comfortably, being seen to by people. Adam plops down with Harry, holding a couple of pistols. "You're watching people while AEGIS shows up." "Yeah, I guess." "Can you watch after her? Facet? She's nice." (Undoes the pink Snow Globe). Adam "plops away to elsewhere." Aftermath The fight in Vyortovia was pretty bad. Members of the HHL were evacced. Silver Streak is in ICU after some very heroic stuff. Cutscene of glowing, faceless, energy signature entities ... " Concordance Agent Sol 2 is no longer operating. Activate new Concordance agent, prepare for highly dangerous environment ." Credits Jason: Closer to the Team (Leo) - "Leo already has influence. Shift +Alycia, -Summer" Harry: Image of Self Charlotte: Closer to the Team (Concord} Adam: Further from Team (Leo) Leo: Image of Self Post-Credits Vyortovia fades out, not on the map. Fuzzy radar pings for a while, then just not there. The next morning, the news stations are awash with what happened -- and there's a public communication made by the Vyortovians broadcast across the world: DQ is in frame, as an adjutant speaks at a podium: "Vyortovia is newly come to this world. We do not intend specific or egregious harm to this world, and we are willing to discuss the current situation with appropriate authorities for this world to determine an acceptable path forward for our sovereign nation. At any point in time that the governments of the world are willing and ready and capable as conversing as equals with Vyortovia, they welcome to do so. We accept this negotiation provided only that the emissary in question be the members of the Halcyon organization known as ... [squints] .... the Menagerie." THIS EPISODE DEDICATED TO THE MEMORY OF SOL.