I'm trying to create a script that would allow me to run a macro like the following; !AddInit ?{Initiative|0} at which point the script would add any selected tokens to the tracker at the value provided by the macro variable. I have the following code so far; on("chat:message", function(msg) { if (msg.type == "api" && msg.content.indexOf("!AddInit") !== -1 && msg.who.indexOf("(GM)") !== -1) { try{ _.each(msg.selected, function(selected) { ??? }); } catch(err){return;} }; }); I've verified that this code will run an operation once for each selected token. What I need to figure out now are the following; a) How do I "read" the value following "!AddInit"? b) How do I add a selected token to the tracker? I've tried picking apart existing group initiative scripts, but everything I've found is too difficult for me to parse with the amount of experience I have with scripting for Roll20; I've run into a bunch of cases where something I thought would work ran into a bunch of snags. I thought I had it with a sendChat command until I found out &{tracker} and Macro Variables don't work within sendChat, for example.