Hi All Got an interesting one for you all. I have a custom Magic Item in my game: Afflicted Conscience A cilice of silver barbed hooks designed to be worn around the thigh. A leather belt buckle allows for swift tightening. The cilice of afflicted conscience has 3 charges and each ability requires an action to perform: 1 charge - tighten the cilice to the next buckle hole - Ilmater's Blessing: causes
the wearer 1d6 necrotic damage and casts spare the dying in a 10ft
radius around the wearer, affecting all downed creatures in the area. 2 charges - tighten the cilice to second buckle hole - Absorb Agony:
Cures 1d8+2 hps of damage to all friendly creatures in a 10ft radius.
The user then takes damage equal to half the total damage healed as
necrotic damage. Save vs constitution DC14 to negate this damage. Charges reset after a long rest. Requires attunement. Now I have a question in regards to Absorb Agony . In essence I want to make a Marco that first rolls (1d8+2) to calculate the healing, then multiply that result by x number of people in range to calculate the damage my character would take. He also now has resistance to necrotic damage to that result would be divided by 4. The closest I have so far is ((((1d8+2)*x))/4, the problem is this only gives the damage taken, and I have to manually tell the group what their heal was. I was wondering if there is a way where I can have a macro that just rolls 1d8+2 and then gives a second line where it multiples the previous result by x and then divides by 4. Any thoughts?