Hello Prospective Adventurers! The Empire , the most powerful realm of mankind, is beset with troubles. A terrible plague, the Red Pox, creeps northwards leaving death in it's wake. The Emperor is rarely seen, and has issued a very controversial order overturning the millennia-old practice of killing mutants , humans born with the touch of Chaos . Religious and political tension is thick between the provinces of the Empire. Hordes of beastmen prowl the forests and grow ever bolder, attacking walled towns in force. A terrible omen is seen in the skies one night, whose implications are still being debated by the Celestial Order . In the midst of this, chaos cults work their evil from the shadows. Most of the party, through various events, have become members of the Ordo Fidelis , a group of agents dedicated to the defense of the Empire - though others have their own motivations. Currently, the party is in Middenheim , hunting elusive cultists whose goals the party can only guess at. The campaign has been running now for over a year and we have unfortunately lost a few of our players due to the constraints of real life. We are looking for one or two more to join us. Please read some of the old posts about the game itself, as they still apply. Note the game uses modified rules. The game is more roleplaying than roll-playing - though there is plenty of combat and hordes of dice are thrown - the game is character and story driven. The party is currently composed of: Templar of Ulric (Fighter) Venator (Fighter) Pit Fighter (Pugilist) Priestess of Manaan (Cleric) Most of the story so far can be found in the Campaign Journal site - this has lots of information about the campaign. A map of the Old World . Most of the modified rules are here, along with the Death and Dismemberment table. We use Discord for voice, and cameras are optional. The game runs every Wednesday at 8 PM to approx. 11 PM EST. If interested in joining our group of friends, send me a message or post in the forum with: 1) Age 2) Your experience in roleplaying 3) What interests you about this campaign 4) What you hope to get from the game, what style of game you enjoy 5) Character concept (check some of the other posts in the forum for guidelines) 6) Favorite movie I'll reply to applications through private messages, and then have a discussion on Discord to get acquainted. Thread from listing is here <a href="https://app.roll20.net/forum/post/6106161/were-loo" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/forum/post/6106161/were-loo</a>... Thanks for your interest!