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Review of the Roll20 Marketplace Monster Manual

I wasn't sure if this was a place to share this or not. If this post doesn't abide by the terms and conditions of this thread, please let me know and I can post it elsewhere. There was little information out there for me before I made the decision to purchase the Monster Manual from the Marketplace. So I decided to do a video review of what you get with the purchase, and more importantly, how it works once it has been enabled for your games. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
thanks for doing this, i was considering buying this. A note about the video though,your video is in an odd aspect ratio. Also id like to say you can ask a member of the mod team to let you demo a module before buying it. I personally talk to The Arron and hes helped (talked me into ) a couple module purchases. ;)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Great review. Answered a lot of questions. I don't know about the companion script for the OGL sheet, but the Shaped Script is intelligent enough to read the sheet, parse out the spell names and then import them from the SRD. It requires an API command, and of course a Pro subscription, but it's pretty nice.
I heard about the missing spells before, and honestly, this is the only reason why I didn't purchase the MM yet on roll20. I'm still hoping they will fix it at some point...
it is my understanding that when dev brings out the so called canvas upgrades and compendium expansions that spells will be functional to some degree but when and how these are suprised on us only they know.&nbsp;&nbsp;

Edited 1519740581
I'm hopeful that the spells get added to the NPC sheets myself. I was a bit surprised they weren't. I asked some questions in a video Kobald Press created for their content, and they actually said this isn't currently possible. When a fix for this comes out, I'd be happy to re-review it at that time. I should also state, that even without the spells, I still think it's a good purchase for my time vs money. But as stated in the video, that value is going to be different for every person. As for the aspect ratio, it's 21:9, which is an Ultrawide UHD screen resolution.
Also, I've tried to demo this, I believe it was actually on Lordmage's game. However, if you don't actually own the content, it doesn't appear in your compendium.
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
Compendium Curator
Updating the Monster Manual creatures to have their spells is on the list for our internal production team. I do not currently have a date for it, but we also want to get it to y'all! Thanks for the video review!

Edited 1519740493
This is great news. Once these go live, I'll happily do another review of the product.
Trivia said: Updating the Monster Manual creatures to have their spells is on the list for our internal production team. I do not currently have a date for it, but we also want to get it to y'all! Thanks for the video review! And there goes my last excuse for not buying the MM... *putting 50$ in the Roll20 piggybank* But great to hear!
Thanks for making the review.&nbsp; I will wait to purchase based on the video.