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The new D&D 2024 sheet is now available!

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Tokens / Macros / Represents Character

Quick question. When writing a macro how can I reference the Represents Character name instead on the Token Name? Reason, my players have full names (first and last) for their characters and have character nicknames on their tokens. Thank you.
The Aaron
API Scripter

Edited 1520279884
Scott C.
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Simply use @{selected|character_name} Ninja'd by our savior, Arcane Scriptomancer Aaron ;)
First post. Extremely satisfied with the quick responses. Thanks so much Aron and Scott.
Wish there was a friend system or some type of karma system to say thanks to both of you.
Scott C.
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Welcome to Roll20 Shaun. Feel free to post any questions, we're all happy to help.
The Aaron
API Scripter
No worries. =D
Thanks Scott. Honestly Roll20 has to be the best thing to come into my life right now. I am disabled and do not leave my home. I had resided to the idea that I would never play D&D again. Now I have a game running with friends from playing Destiny and Monster Hunter. It is amazing!
The Aaron
API Scripter
That's really awesome!  I have a strong interest in accessibility, so if you're running into any difficulties that I might be able to help solve, don't hesitate to Post or PM me directly.  Cheers!
Scott C.
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Same here. Accessibility was (and still is) one of my concerns with the Starfinder HUD character sheet. I haven't really gotten any feedback on it to improve things though.
Thanks Aaron! 
Scott never played Starfinder but looking at your HUD thread is interesting. I might have to look into the system more.
Scott C.
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Heh, if you like science fantasy, like destiny or mass effect, I think you'll like it.
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Shaun A. said: Thanks Scott. Honestly Roll20 has to be the best thing to come into my life right now. I am disabled and do not leave my home. I had resided to the idea that I would never play D&D again. Now I have a game running with friends from playing Destiny and Monster Hunter. It is amazing! That's inspiring, Shaun A.! I had resigned myself to pretty much the same, but mostly from moving a thousand miles away from everyone I've played with since high school and college. I don't enjoy cultivating new gaming friends, but I hadn't considered how much Roll20 and similar products are a boon for people who are genuinely kept from doing the things they enjoy due to disability, rather than (my case) a general social inhibition.
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Shaun A. said: Thanks Scott. Honestly Roll20 has to be the best thing to come into my life right now. I am disabled and do not leave my home. I had resided to the idea that I would never play D&D again. Now I have a game running with friends from playing Destiny and Monster Hunter. It is amazing! I'm glad to hear it. I'm disabled too and was also resigned to never having a gaming group again. Roll20 is great!
Stephen Koontz
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It's not something I normally talk about, but I was deeply disabled in my childhood. It was during this time I discovered tabletop gaming as a hobby that I could participate and even thrive doing when most other options were closed to me. Even after being blessed by recovering to lead a normal healthy adult life, tabletop gaming has remained my passion. As the Lead Designer for Roll20 that passion has included expanding our hobby's accessibility to as many people as possible. The obvious ones being isolation and separation but the battle doesn't end there. One of our first hires was a developer who specialized in accessibility. We've started with expanding the platform to every major language. Next comes user interface options to support disabled users, such as ARIA to facilitate screen readers, carefully picking colors to protect our color blind users, and so much more. It's my personal belief that no matter who you are, how your mind or body works, what you believe, or who you love there's a table out there for you and I want Roll20 to be the place you find that table.
Pat S.
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To add on this thread a little bit, there are great communities on roll20. I host a text only community to help those that are deaf, mute, have social issues, and many other reasons to choose the play format of text.
Wow Steve K. thanks so much for sharing. Shows again why roll20 is so great. Never expected such a response but glad to see all the positive responses.