
Name's Kasper, but you can call me Kaw or Beaver. I'm a twenty-six year old male from Denmark looking for a game, as I'm currently running four games (here or IRL) and misses being a player for once. I'm dedicated, creative, friendly and I strive to be helpful and patient. I like roleplaying, and acting in-character, and I usually make characters with interesting quirks and features that allow me to really get into character, even if it means making the, mechanically, "bad choice". This also means I'm not i any way shape or form a powerplayer or min-maxer. I make characters that are interesting, not necessarily "uber-powerful". I can fill any role required for your game, though I do hope to have room for my creative freedom :)

Monday: All day till 9 PM CET
Tuesday: All day/night
Wednesday: All day till 6 PM CET every other week (Uneven weeks)
Thursday: From 3 PM CET every other week (Even Weeks)
Friday: All day/night on even weeks, all day till 6 PM CET on uneven weeks.
Saturday: Nope.
Sunday: Nope.

Late night (CET) games for all days might be considered :)

I dont have the money (or will) to pay for games, just as I refuse to take money when I'm GMing. It just doesn't feel right to me, so please, if you're a Paid GM, don't bother with me, you'll just be wasting your time :) For everyone else, fire away with your games!

All the love
The Beaver Illuminate