Greetings! My name is Phil - I GM/DM a Sunday Game (8:00pm EST - weekly) and my party had challenged me to bring the pain. They have no idea the amount of insane content I'm going to create from scratch and hit them with it each Sunday night. They have got together and are in search of such a player who wants to push the sterotypical 'we need a healer' role and turn it on its head like all of my players have done to their heroes so far. Don't come slacking though, we have a big party that fights big things and well, I'm sure they would love you for it. THIS IS NOT A POST FOR FINDING A DEDICATED HEALER, I can dm around any class set up, but they want someone to take up the "medic" role of the party...is this a cleric?...a paladin? a druid? no one knows, and we don't care. As long as you don't want to "put sharp end in bad guy" and want a great group dynamic in a campaign designed for adventure/combat/dungeon crawling/light RP then look no further than this link: <a href="https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/107536/dnd-5e-s" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/107536/dnd-5e-s</a>... Thank you all for reading this, and may crits be forever in your future. *this is 18+ only group as we do have potty mouths every now and then, THE DRAGONS MADE US DO IT*