Hi guys, thanks for helping me out last time adjusting the DC of my spells with Spell Focus. Now I need that help again, except this version of Pathfinder I have going to Misc doesn't do it. This version is different for some reason. Any idea What I am suppose to do? This version I believe is 1.710. Currently when I click on Misc under the spell it only has options for "Metamagic" and "Domain" and "Conc" is greyed out. DC Mod is nonexistant for this one for some reason.
For reference this one was old post https://app.roll20.net/forum/post/5385956/how-to-adjust-dc-on-pathfinder-character-sheet/?pageforid=5389728#post-5389728
For reference this one was old post https://app.roll20.net/forum/post/5385956/how-to-adjust-dc-on-pathfinder-character-sheet/?pageforid=5389728#post-5389728