I've had more success with the "not" version of CSS values for this. First, either create a hidden attribute and stick it at the start of your sheet: <input type="hidden" name="attr_SkinCheck" class="toggle-playbook" value="0">
or add the class to each of your skincheck radio buttons. You need that class for the bit below. You will need to put all the skinchecks inside a styled div, like say <div class="sheet-skinselections"> You'll need a checkbox or some thing to allow you to switch between the selections and character sheet. So maybe the html will look something like this. Note those 99 radio buttons you had have been removed, and replaced with divs. <input type="hidden" name="attr_SkinCheck" class="toggle-playbook" value="1">
<p align="center"><div><p align="center">
<b><i>Name:</i></b> <input type="text" name="attr_CharName" />
<b><i>Gender:</i></b> <input type="text" name="attr_Gender">
<select name="attr_SkinName" class="toggle-playbook"> <!-- add class here for CSS -->
<option value="0" checked="checked"> Choose A Playbook</option> <!-- does checked=checked work here? I've never tried that. -->
<option value="1"> The Chosen</option>
<option value="99"> Custom Playbook</option>
<div><p align="center"><b><i>Look:</i></b> <input type="text" name="attr_Look" style="width: 750px"><br>
<div class="sheet-playbook0"> <!-- add class here for CSS -->
<!-- list some instructions here, this is what will show up by default with 0 in the select. -->
<div class="sheet-playbook1"> <!-- add class here for CSS -->
<div class="sheet-playbook2">
<!-- and so on -->
<div class="sheet-playbook99">
</div> Each playbook will need to be inside its own named div, like <div class="sheet-playbook1"> Obviously you can switch them to "sheet-Chosen" and so on, just make sure they are matched up with their values in the select for the CSS below Then in CSS, input.toggle-playbook:not([value='0']) ~ div.sheet-playbook0, // you might use "0" for some instructions
input.toggle-playbook:not([value='1']) ~ div.sheet-playbook1,
input.toggle-playbook:not([value='2']) ~ div.sheet-playbook2,
... etc
input.toggle-playbook:not([value='99']) ~ div.sheet-playbook99 {
display: none;
With this approach, if I've got my code right, whenever you select a playbook in the selection drop down, that playbook's div will become visible.