I actually don't mind it not filling in the Actions for me, because I like to set those myself using the other methods, which I intend to phase out using the Macros (granted some of the easier Macros are going to be things like "Club") If you are absolutely dying to know what exactly it looks up and where it places it in the Community Sheet though, go here and do a Ctrl+F for the phrase drop_
without any of the Context, here's what every line with that specific match reads:
<input type="hidden" name="attr_drop_category" accept="Category">
<input type="hidden" name="attr_drop_name" accept="Name">
<input type="hidden" name="attr_drop_weight" accept="Weight">
<input type="hidden" name="attr_drop_properties" accept="Properties">
<input type="hidden" name="attr_drop_modifiers" accept="Modifiers">
<input type="hidden" name="attr_drop_content" accept="Content">
<input type="hidden" name="attr_drop_itemtype" accept="Item Type">
<input type="hidden" name="attr_drop_damage" accept="Damage">
<input type="hidden" name="attr_drop_damagetype" accept="Damage Type">
<input type="hidden" name="attr_drop_range" accept="Range">
<input type="hidden" name="attr_drop_ac" accept="AC">
<input type="hidden" name="attr_drop_speed" accept="Speed">
<input type="hidden" name="attr_drop_str" accept="STR">
<input type="hidden" name="attr_drop_dex" accept="DEX">
<input type="hidden" name="attr_drop_con" accept="CON">
<input type="hidden" name="attr_drop_int" accept="INT">
<input type="hidden" name="attr_drop_wis" accept="WIS">
<input type="hidden" name="attr_drop_cha" accept="CHA">
<input type="hidden" name="attr_drop_vulnerabilities" accept="Vulnerabilities">
<input type="hidden" name="attr_drop_resistances" accept="Resistances">
<input type="hidden" name="attr_drop_immunities" accept="Immunities">
<input type="hidden" name="attr_drop_condition_immunities" accept="Condition Immunities">
<input type="hidden" name="attr_drop_languages" accept="Languages">
<input type="hidden" name="attr_drop_challenge_rating" accept="Challenge Rating">
<input type="hidden" name="attr_drop_size" accept="Size">
<input type="hidden" name="attr_drop_type" accept="Type">
<input type="hidden" name="attr_drop_alignment" accept="Alignment">
<input type="hidden" name="attr_drop_hp" accept="HP">
<input type="hidden" name="attr_drop_saving_throws" accept="Saving Throws">
<input type="hidden" name="attr_drop_senses" accept="Senses">
<input type="hidden" name="attr_drop_passive_perception" accept="Passive Perception">
<input type="hidden" name="attr_drop_skills" accept="Skills">
<input type="hidden" name="attr_drop_token_size" accept="Token Size">
on("change:drop_category", function(eventinfo) {
var handle_drop_monster = function(category, eventinfo) {
drop_attrs = ["drop_name","drop_weight","drop_properties",
"drop_speed", "drop_str", "drop_dex", "drop_con",
"drop_int", "drop_wis", "drop_cha",
"drop_vulnerabilities", "drop_resistances",
"drop_immunities", "drop_condition_immunities",
"drop_languages", "drop_challenge_rating", "drop_size",
"drop_type", "drop_alignment", "drop_hp",
"drop_saving_throws", "drop_senses",
"drop_passive_perception", "drop_skills",
"drop_token_size", "character_id"]
getAttrs(drop_attrs, function(v) {
if(v["drop_name"] && v["drop_name"] != "") {update["character_name"] = v["drop_name"]};
update["npc_strength"] = v["drop_str"] ? v["drop_str"] : "";
update["npc_dexterity"] = v["drop_dex"] ? v["drop_dex"] : "";
update["npc_constitution"] = v["drop_con"] ? v["drop_con"] : "";
update["npc_intelligence"] = v["drop_int"] ? v["drop_int"] : "";
update["npc_wisdom"] = v["drop_wis"] ? v["drop_wis"] : "";
update["npc_charisma"] = v["drop_cha"] ? v["drop_cha"] : "";
if(v["drop_saving_throws"] && v["drop_saving_throws"] != "") {
var savearray = v["drop_saving_throws"].split(", ");
update["npc_size"] = v["drop_size"] ? v["drop_size"] : "";
update["npc_type"] = v["drop_type"] ? v["drop_type"] : "";
update["npc_alignment"] = v["drop_alignment"] ? v["drop_alignment"] : "";
if(v["drop_ac"]) {
if(v["drop_ac"].indexOf("(") > -1) {
update["npc_ac"] = v["drop_ac"].split(" (")[0];
update["npc_AC_note"] = v["drop_ac"].split(" (")[1].slice(0, -1);
update["npc_ac"] = v["drop_ac"];
if(v["drop_hp"]) {
if(v["drop_hp"].indexOf("(") > -1) {
update["npc_HP"] = v["drop_hp"].split(" (")[0];
update["npc_HP_max"] = v["drop_hp"].split(" (")[0];
//update["npc_HP_max"] = v["drop_hp"].split(" (")[1].slice(0, -1);
update["npc_HP"] = v["drop_hp"]
update["npc_HP_max"] = v["drop_hp"]
if(v["drop_speed"]) {
speed_match = speed.exec(v["drop_speed"])
fly_match = fly.exec(v["drop_speed"])
climb_match = climb.exec(v["drop_speed"])
swim_match = swim.exec(v["drop_speed"])
if(v["drop_challenge_rating"] && v["drop_challenge_rating"] != "") {
update["npc_challenge"] = v["drop_challenge_rating"];
switch(v["drop_challenge_rating"]) {
update["npc_senses"] = v["drop_senses"] ? v["drop_senses"] : "";
update["npc_languages"] = v["drop_languages"] ? v["drop_languages"] : "";
update["npc_damage_resistance"] = v["drop_resistances"] ? v["drop_resistances"] : "";
update["npc_damage_vulnerability"] = v["drop_vulnerabilities"] ? v["drop_vulnerabilities"] : "";
update["npc_damage_immunity"] = v["drop_immunities"] ? v["drop_immunities"] : "";
update["npc_condition_immunity"] = v["drop_condition_immunities"] ? v["drop_condition_immunities"] : "";
update["npc_traits"] = v["drop_content"] ? v["drop_content"] : "";
if(v["drop_skills"] && v["drop_skills"] != "") {
skillarray = v["drop_skills"].split(", ");
callbacks.push( function() {cleanup_drop_fields();} );
var cleanup_drop_fields = function() {
update["drop_name"] = "";
update["drop_weight"] = "";
update["drop_properties"] = "";
update["drop_modifiers"] = "";
update["drop_content"] = "";
update["drop_itemtype"] = "";
update["drop_damage"] = "";
update["drop_damagetype"] = "";
update["drop_range"] = "";
update["drop_ac"] = "";
update["drop_category"] = "";
update["drop_speed"] = "";
update["drop_str"] = "";
update["drop_dex"] = "";
update["drop_con"] = "";
update["drop_int"] = "";
update["drop_wis"] = "";
update["drop_cha"] = "";
update["drop_vulnerabilities"] = "";
update["drop_resistances"] = "";
update["drop_immunities"] = "";
update["drop_condition_immunities"] = "";
update["drop_languages"] = "";
update["drop_challenge_rating"] = "";
update["drop_size"] = "";
update["drop_type"] = "";
update["drop_alignment"] = "";
update["drop_hp"] = "";
update["drop_saving_throws"] = "";
update["drop_senses"] = "";
update["drop_passive_perception"] = "";
update["drop_skills"] = "";
update["drop_token_size"] = ""; the Attributes will get spammed with the "drop_" Attributes, which as you can see, get marked as Empty, so it's just empty space that hogs up room, good idea to clean that bit up for the slower users with less powerful computers/connections, they'll be at the bottom of the List. Loading times for the sheet can get bogged down from having too many variables to load when opening the sheet, and possibly during initial launch.