okay, first, my macro skills suck, so take that with a pinch of salt,second, which sheet SPECIFICALLY are you using? there's multiple 5e sheets. I for example use the Community 5e Sheet, it's not as good in some areas, but it's better in other, the problem is the commands are different between it and the OGL (Open Game License, aka free) Official 5e Sheet, they didn't change much, but it's enough to become noticeable. That being said, there should be a way to add the Spells to the Spellbook Section of your Character Sheet for the Green Hag, I was having a royal pain of a time with Dryad myself, it took me forever to realize that their stats are all right there on the little Cards they show us all neatly formatted. need to know a Mob's Passive Sneak because your entire party is as observant as a Rock? fill in the stats and check the Skills page, apply any bonuses (eg. Blink Dog has +5 Stealth), and there you go! another useful trick for mixing up Mob Health, the Mob Levels are accurate for their Health. if they have 4d10 Health, they have 4d10+(Con Mod * 4) written on the sheet, if it's 7d6, then it's gonna read [[7d6+((@{selected|constitution_mod})*7)]]. You might be wondering what Health and Level has to do with Spells? Everything! it affects their Proficiency Bonus (@{selected|pb}) and their Spellcasting DC! /w gm &{template:default} {{name=@{selected|token_name}
DC List}} {{Strength DC=[[[[@{selected|base_spell_dc}]]+[[@{selected|pb}]]+([[(@{selected|strength_mod})]])]]}} {{Dexterity DC=[[[[@{selected|base_spell_dc}]]+[[@{selected|pb}]]+([[(@{selected|dexterity_mod})]])]]}} {{Constitution DC=[[[[@{selected|base_spell_dc}]]+[[@{selected|pb}]]+([[(@{selected|constitution_mod})]])]]}} {{Intelligence DC=[[[[@{selected|base_spell_dc}]]+[[@{selected|pb}]]+([[(@{selected|intelligence_mod})]])]]}} {{Wisdom DC=[[[[@{selected|base_spell_dc}]]+[[@{selected|pb}]]+([[(@{selected|wisdom_mod})]])]]}} {{Charisma DC=[[[[@{selected|base_spell_dc}]]+[[@{selected|pb}]]+([[(@{selected|charisma_mod})]])]]}}
that Macro should get you a DC readout for all 6 Core Stats, I usually use Con DC for Poison related abilities to keep players on their toes, or when it's something the Body produces, such as Spider Web AC & HP %{MacroPC|Web-Shoot}
!?{Proficiency|Proficient,[[@{selected|pb}]]|Half,[[(floor((@{selected|pb})/2))]]|None,[[0]]|Invert,[[(@{selected|pb})*(-1)]]} ?{Advantage|Normal,Normal=[[1d20cf<1cs>20+?{Proficiency}]]|Disadvantage,Disadvantage=[[1d20cf<1cs>20+?{Proficiency}]] [[1d20cf<1cs>20+?{Proficiency}]]|Advantage,Advantage=[[1d20cf<1cs>20+?{Proficiency}]] [[1d20cf<1cs>20+?{Proficiency}]]}
/ooc &{template:default} {{name=@{selected|token_name}
Vomits Web}} {{Advantage: ?{Advantage}}} {{Evasion=as a Reaction, the Victim must pass a [[[[@{selected|base_spell_dc}]]+[[@{selected|pb}]]+([[(@{selected|dexterity_mod})]])]] DC Acrobatics(Dexterity) check to Dodge}} {{on Hit=The Victim is Restrained by Webbing.}}
/w gm &{template:default} {{name=@{selected|token_name}
Web Stats}} {{To Hit=[[[[@{selected|base_spell_dc}]]+[[@{selected|pb}]]+([[(@{selected|constitution_mod})]])]] AC}} {{Web Max HP=[[(floor(([[@{selected|base_spell_dc}]]+[[@{selected|pb}]]+[[[[(@{selected|constitution_mod})]]]])*(0.75)))]]}} {{Vulnerabilities=Fire}} {{Immunities=Bludgeoning
Psychic}} {{Sunder=As an Action, the Restrained Victim, or it's Ally, can make a [[[[@{selected|base_spell_dc}]]+[[@{selected|pb}]]+([[(@{selected|constitution_mod})]])]] DC Athletics(Strength) check, breaking the webbing on a success.}}
I have this one split into 2 Macros, Both of which call the MacroPC Character's Abilities "Web-Shoot" & "Web-Stats".
You will also notice I left an option to Invert the Proficiency, in case they don't really want to attack with the Web,
like, for example, if it has a Healing Factor Bonus. and is being used on an Ally. You'll notice I've actually broken the Spell DC down into it's Base Component, of which there are 3 primary ones: base_spell_dc pb & Core Stat Mod (refer to Macro 1 for that, which is missing finesse_mod by the way, should you wish to use it) I would like to point out that the Spell Slots if I'm not mistaken are what are known as "repeating lists" which means they have crazy wonky calls that are overly complex and hard to research due to obscure & archaic naming methods (don't even get me STARTED or Repeating Resource List! 4 Hours I'll never get back, still no idea how to use it) That being said, I'm a Free Member, meaning I lack certain features which I notice you have access to, such as the API access for Scripts (I direct you to look for the User " The Aaron " as he's Very popular for good reason from what I hear, he's the Go-To guy for API Mods from what I've seen) Edit: The Web Macro parsed the HTML on here, I'll post a link to my GitHub : Web-Recharge (MacroGM Character) Web-Shoot (MacroPC Character) Web-Stats (Macro-PC Character) These were originally made for a Giant Spider Mob