Looking for a few more great players who can consistently make a weekly game. We are running the full module with all of the perks thrown in so hopefully that will help attract you hooligans. Session 0 is this upcoming Friday! All info can be found in the link below, but for the sake of your clicking fingers - here is some quick requirements you should be able to meet: good mic love to rp your character and engage the party able to make each weekly session knowledge of how to create/insert/edit & play from your character sheet IN GAME. This is critical as the speed of our games depend on this knowledge of the roll20 system! <a href="https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/109418/friday-night-toa" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/109418/friday-night-toa</a> Thanks for reading everyone! I hope to see you on the battlefield...or tavern, which ever works :D