Hello everyone! Looking for some help with a script I wrote, on a problem that I really don't know how to fix. Any help is really appreciated. Link to script: <a href="https://gist.github.com/gui8311/77b67b3687b8f8fba5" rel="nofollow">https://gist.github.com/gui8311/77b67b3687b8f8fba5</a>... my script uses a macro with a query to run with multiple defined options. it therefore uses the format ?{ask|description1,option1|...} Now I noticed that my script gets unresponsive if I use the symbol ] as the last symbol in any of my descriptions. The sandbox does not crash, neither are there any error messages. Text that has a format like description1,option1|description2,option2|... is stored in the bar1 max of each token that is supposed to run the script via token action and it is stored as a variable too. With this var I look for the page that holds a token with this text in its bar1 max. I use findObjs({...})[0] for that. I also change the token's layer. Other than this, I use the descriptions nowhere else and I wonder how this problem even appears. just to be clear: these would all create the problem, Placeholder,123|desert HOT],desert
desert HOT],desert|Placeholder,123
Placeholder,123|desert [HOT],desert
These do not, Placeholder,123|desert HOT] ,desert
Placeholder,123|desert ]HOT,desert
Placeholder,123|desert HOT,desert