&{template:pf_generic}{{color=darkred}}{{name=FIask}}{{Yelling at=?{Yelling a|Text Here} we will end you..}}{{First Flask=[[1d20+12]]}}{{First Flask damage= [[5d6+6]]}}{{Splash=[[11]]}}{{Second Flask=[[1d20+7]]}}{{Second Flask Damage=[[5d6]]}}{{Splash=[[11]]}}{{Missed Square that it hits=[[1d8]]}}{{Splash zone: 10 foot radius.}}{{**Those caught in the splash zone can make a reflex save for 1/2 damage: DC 20 evasion / improved evasion applies**}}{{Burn! Burn! Burn! =All those effected by the bomb take an additional}}{{Bomb 1=[[1d4]]}}{{Bomb 2= [[1d4]]}}{{Explosive Bomb=All of those effected by the bomb catch fire and take [[1d6]]}} Just at the top, I want the prompt that appears as a blank to just write in whatever I type at the time. Ex: It stares at "prompt here for item/location/person/etc" with intent to kill ?{Yelling at|Insert Text Here}.