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🎪 Long time 5th Edition Dungeon Master dipping his toes into Pathfinder... Looking for volunteers


Edited 1523505707
Hey Roll20,      After playing D&D for years (mostly as a GM) I've always been aware of the Pathfinder system as a somewhat more "rules heavy" version of D&D. Unfortunately, I've never had the chance to the play the system myself. So now I hope to remedy that. I've picked up a copy of Rise of the Runelords (one of Paizo's more popular modules) and have begun work on translating the first book into a Roll20 game file. All I need now is four brave souls to come along for the ride. Scheduling - I'd like to run the games on either Saturdays or Sundays at or after 5 pm EST. However I can be somewhat flexible when it comes to the weekdays.  Game Length/Commitment - Ideally the book will take us 4-6 session lasting approximately 2-3 hours to complete. More than likely this will take place over the course of about two months. If you're like me and have always wanted to try out Pathfinder, or happen to be an avid player of the system that just hasn't had a chance to try out RotRL, than hit me up either here on Roll20, or via my Discord @Finn#7016. Thanks, Finn       
Hey there Finn! I'm free all weekend and can work with the times of you and other people over the next two months, and I'm eager to be subjected to whatever you have in mind. Hit me up on discord when you get the chance @Szyzygrior#5247
Hey Finn, I am a long time GM and never get to be a player, and I have wanted to play Rise for a Long time.  I will add you on Discord and hopefully we can talk soon.
howdy  id love to play i am a hobby player of dnd i have sundays open for a game for me and my wife
I'd be happy to join this!