Hello there, I want to build a new campaign, one that will go on for a few sessions with role-play and character building! If you have a group or friends or just want to play send me a message! If you are a new player, it's ok. I'm happy to help you get a grasp and engage with the game. I have been GMing for years and I really like a nice story. Roleplaying is a big part of this campaign with it's combats and all. I am intersting in building something that's more than a couple of weeks worth of sessions, so it'd be something that has a pace with players who follow along. I am doing this as a paid game only for 2 reasons: I'd like the players who join to be committed. It's difficult starting a campaign and then have a player drop out 4 sessions later whether it's time issues or something mild and it's something that occurs when doing games online with people instead of a home group of friends. I could really use the extra money now. if this sounds like a game you'd be interested in, to develop a character, explore a world as it's been built send me a message!&nbsp;(My time is flexible) Thanks for reading this. <a href="https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/97371/campaign-time-is-not-set" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/97371/campaign-time-is-not-set</a> This game will require payment to the Game Master at a rate of [10/Session through paypal]. Roll20 is not responsible for any payment transactions and cannot enforce any private arrangements.