I have been working on a script for my game, and maybe it could be of interest to you. This is not an official script, this will not be easy to use for newbies and will require you to change the script to work with your system. But the result ended up being so clean and useful to me, maybe you would like to adapt it to your game. What does the script do? It allows for the card in the player's hands to be used as equipment items, with changes in cards being immediatly translated into character changes. Who is it aimed at? GMs that want to have highy costumized games, with complex items that are not in the conpendium. What are the main considerations? This script has been built around the system I am working on, and therefore uses equipment attributes of my system. To adapt it to your system you will probably have to go deeper into the code and change the attributes that are affected. What are the main advantages? The Script allows for highly automatic equiping and unequiping of items, and these items can have very complex bonuses, without affecting the experience negatively. With some graphical work in creating nice looking cards, the look also can be wonderfully clean and it does not require any typing from the players and barely any work from the GM. How does the script work? It looks for changes in the player's hands - in other words, it detects if a new card is added to the player's hand or if any is removed. When this event happens, the script looks at the name of all the cards in the player's hand, and works through the information in the card's names, seeing which effects each card represent as a piece of equipment. It then applies these effect to a single character the player controls: This character needs to have an attribute called "PC_main_marker" with the value "yesyes". An example. The player has three cards and drops one of them. The two cards left represent two pieces of armour. The script detects the change and looks at the name of each card: test199@@ITEM_NAME@@//Light Hiccups: at the start of turn player emits light for 5 seconds.@@SUSTAINED_EFFECTS@@ResFire&&-0.05$$ResDark&&-0.05$$ test100@@ITEM_NAME@@//Heavy Light Hiccups: at the start of turn player emits light for 10 seconds.@@SUSTAINED_EFFECTS@@ResWater&&-0.05$$ResAir&&- As these card's names are formatted in the way the script expects, the script will work one card at a time: recognizing the item name, the sustained effects (miscelaneous and continous effects) as well as stat bonuses (in this case elemental resistances are raised). It then would change the respective attributes in the character that is associated with the player. Please note that this script makes use of The Aaron's&nbsp;ChatSetAttr Script, so it will have to be installed to work. The script, without any other changes, will also create a group of attributes on the affected character. These are the attributes I use in my system. They are: AP_bonus, MP_bonus, HP_bonus, AB_bonus, AP_mult, MP_mult, HP_mult, AB_mult, STR_bonus, DEX_bonus, CON_bonus, INT_bonus, WIS_bonus, CHA_bonus, STR_mult, DEX_mult, CON_mult, INT_mult, WIS_mult, CHA_mult, ResFire, ResWater, ResEarth, ResAir, ResNeutralSlash, ResNeutralPierce, ResNeutralStab, ResNeutralCrush, ResGreen, ResDark, ResLight, ResFundamental, BufferFire, BufferWater, BufferEarth, BufferAir, BufferNeutralSlash, BufferNeutralPierce, BufferNeutralStab, BufferNeutralCrush, BufferGreen, BufferDark, BufferLight, BufferFundamental, BonusFire, BonusWater, BonusEarth, BonusAir, BonusNeutralSlash, BonusNeutralPierce, BonusNeutralStab, BonusNeutralCrush, BonusGreen, BonusDark, BonusLight, BonusFundamental, MultiplierFire, MultiplierWater, MultiplierEarth, MultiplierAir, MultiplierNeutralSlash, MultiplierNeutralPierce, MultiplierNeutralStab, MultiplierNeutralCrush, MultiplierGreen, MultiplierDark, MultiplierLight, MultiplierFundamental, hunger_protection, exhaustion_protection, hot_protection, cold_protection, wetness_protection, hunger_buffer, exhaustion_buffer, hot_buffer, cold_buffer, wetness_buffer, sustained_effects That's it, maybe it makes some of you have a more fluid and free game. Link to script: <a href="https://gist.github.com/gui8311/14659b725af9024d7d" rel="nofollow">https://gist.github.com/gui8311/14659b725af9024d7d</a>...