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What do you use the 3 bars for?

Just curious what everyone is using their bars for on tokens. I feel like I'm not getting the full use out of one of them because I'm storing the following: Bar 1: Hp / Max Hp Bar 2: AC Bar 3: Initiative I feel like Bar 3 could be put to better use but not sure what I could use it for other than Touch AC as that tends to come up pretty often in my group. What are you storing in the 3 bars?

Edited 1524060726
The Aaron
API Scripter
I use the Red one for HP, the Green one for AC and the Blue one for Speed.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Some people use one of the bars for Passive Perception. 
Bar 1: AC Bar 2: ammunition Bar 3: HP

Edited 1524063585
API Scripter
The Aaron said: I use the Red one for HP, the Green one for AC and the Blue one for Speed. Using it for speed seems like a good idea.            G G said: Some people use one of the bars for Passive Perception.  Never thought of using it for that.. Ravenknight said: Bar 1: AC Bar 2: ammunition Bar 3: HP Already automagically tracking ammunition with an API script so don't think I'll use it for that. Speed seems like the best idea for me to go with. Lots of NPCs have varying speeds and so do the PCs.
Sheet Author
I use it for temporary hit points :) but I've also used it for move speed which is cool. Remember that you can change color of the bars in the ingame settings ;)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
The Aaron said: I use the Red one for HP, the Green one for AC and the Blue one for Speed. That's what I use them for, too. I hate using "bar 1", "bar 2" etc., because of the way Roll20 numbers them differently than their display order. I know the historical reason for it, but it's confusing.
keithcurtis said: The Aaron said: I use the Red one for HP, the Green one for AC and the Blue one for Speed. That's what I use them for, too. I hate using "bar 1", "bar 2" etc., because of the way Roll20 numbers them differently than their display order. I know the historical reason for it, but it's confusing. Was just about to start a thread asking about this it's uncanny. They are shown in the order of "Bar 3, Bar 1, Bar 2" - is there any way to re-order them?
Since I'm assuming you can't change the order the bars are shown in I've decided to do the following (changing the order of what is displayed and changing the colors): Bar 3 (Green) HP Bar 1 (Blue) AC Bar 2 (Red) Speed-Modified Now I just have to do this for about 300+ tokens...
To simplify players movement stat I added a new attribute to the sheet called "movement-speed" which is just (@{speed-modified}/5) so that it shows exactly how many squares of movement their base movement is.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
keithcurtis said: The Aaron said: I use the Red one for HP, the Green one for AC and the Blue one for Speed. That's what I use them for, too. I hate using "bar 1", "bar 2" etc., because of the way Roll20 numbers them differently than their display order. I know the historical reason for it, but it's confusing. What is the historical reason? The numbering seems so odd.
Pat S.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
Kastion. Check out the papi script "tokenmod". I think it might do that for you.
I use the Bar 1 for HP, Bar 2 for AC and Bar 3 for different things, depending on the current situation. That can be speed, passive perception, flight altitude etc. So I use it more like a scrap paper or notepad than dedicating it to a specific attribute.
The Aaron
API Scripter
G G said: What is the historical reason? The numbering seems so odd. There was only one bar and it was in the middle top, then they added 2 more and had to put them somewhere. =D
Red = HP Green = Stamina Blue = Mana (obviously not D&D)
Forum Champion
I use the 3 bars for deleting / removing them, because I got tired of the visual clutter and realized they aren't needed. Now I prefer to see more of the Map and the Token "in-situation" without the additional HUD. We use the 3 circles for: 1. Green. An additional, elective, initiative bonus. 2. Blue. Hit Points (Current, don't fill in the Max so-as to avoid having a bar). 3. Red. AC.
Kastion said: Ravenknight said: Bar 1: AC Bar 2: ammunition Bar 3: HP Already automagically tracking ammunition with an API script so don't think I'll use it for that. Yep, problem is that I want to keep count on the ammunition of mooks. :D This is the best way to do that I've found so far.
Gen Kitty
Forum Champion
This is my schema: Green: HP for PCs Red: HP for monsters, anything the PCs wish to track Blue: Anything the PCs wish to track
Scott C.
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HP, stamina points, and resolve points (playing starfinder)
Marketplace Creator
G G said: Some people use one of the bars for Passive Perception.  This is what I do
HP, THP, Surges, for 4E games.

Edited 1524126969
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I always like these discussions because I'm odd and have a drastically different setup to most for my 3.5e game ;) I have: HP/HP Max Temp Damage Bonus Temp Attack Bonus Since almost everything I do runs through powercards I have all my attacks setup to add the temp bonuses automatically which allows me to very quickly apply bonuses and penalties to individual tokens rather than have to manage it on a sheet (which wouldn't work well for mooks anyway!). For extra ease I have a tokenMod macro setup to quickly apply wholesale changes to multiple tokens at once/reset the temp bonuses to zero :)
Red = HP Blue = AC Green = Speed Just seems to make sense to me.
In my AD&D2E games I go Bar1=HP, Bar2=AC & Bar3=Thac0. In SWN I use Bar1=HP Bar2=AC and Bar3=Strain. I don't use them at all for Cthulu Confidential (Just use the tokens as a place holder for Macros, and I find people want something to represent their character).
Red: Velocity Green: G-turns Blue: G-turns (using jumpfuel) Traveller: The New Era/Brilliant Lances space-combat. Very nice to have the bars there for stuff that there is no actual character sheet for...
Pathfinder, for NPCs. Players don't use them Red - HP Green - AC Blue - Touch
Is there any way, through the use of the API, to offset or pad the bar shown on tokens so you can move it up or down? I'm using bar 3 for HP now since it's the first circle and the bar is really low (the bottom of the 3 bars) and I use LOADS of Devin Night's Token packs (I bought over a dozen) and I'm finding that the bar 3 bar is too low and overlapping on the token art while bar 1 was in the perfect spot. SO - Any way by using the API can I move bar 3 up a bit?
The Aaron
API Scripter
Not really.  What you might do is use the top bar instead.  You can change the colors of all the bars on the settings tab if you like a particular color scheme.
The Aaron said: Not really.  What you might do is use the top bar instead.  You can change the colors of all the bars on the settings tab if you like a particular color scheme. I used to use top bar before but that puts HP in the middle circle. I want HP in the first circle. I want the order of circles to be HP/AC/Spd I recently changed it so Bar 3 is HP but now the bar overlaps a bit of the token. I don't want to have to use bar 1 for HP because I want the order of circles to be HP/AC/Spd
Red for HP, Green for AC, and Blue for how much Lay On Hands I have left for the day.
D&D 3.5, using Wound variant rules and a psionic character. Green=Vitality, Red=Wounds, Blue=Powerpoints due to liberal usage of Vigor power, green bar is often sticking out 2-3 tokens to the right (past maximum) PF Red=HP, Blue=AC, Green=unused
Do the GMs reading this mandate that players use the same bars for things, or do they let players track whatever they want with their bars? In other words, do GMs demand that players, say, use Bar 1 for hit points, Bar 2 for fatigue, and Bar 3 for encumbrance (or whatever)? Or do GMs just supply players with characters and tokens, and let them do whatever they want with them?
The Aaron
API Scripter
Without TokenMod, I don't think players can set those bars.  In all the games I've been in, there has been a GM mandate for some of them.  In my own games, I set the HP and AC into bars and put speed in if they don't have something else to track.  For some characters, I've swapped out the speed attribute to track other resources like Luck Points, or Psi Points, etc.
I don't mean associate bars with attributes; I just mean put numbers in the bubbles to track things. But I suppose if you've got token bars linked to attributes that answers the question.
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
I think inconsistency in bar/bubble usage within a campaign would cause my brain to skip the tracks and crash into explosive fiery ruin by the railside, a twisted wreck of tangled steel and human misery. But that's just me.
The Aaron
API Scripter
Yes, that!  I pretty much mandate red: hp, green: ac, blue: speed or whatever you want.  I don't actually need to know what the player's speed is usually, I just need it for the monsters.  But if their AC and HP especially were somewhere else, we'd be TPKing like mad. =D

Edited 1524859905
1 for HP, 2 for AC. I use bar 3 for temp hp on PCs and speed on Monstahs.
David T. said: Do the GMs reading this mandate that players use the same bars for things, or do they let players track whatever they want with their bars? In other words, do GMs demand that players, say, use Bar 1 for hit points, Bar 2 for fatigue, and Bar 3 for encumbrance (or whatever)? Or do GMs just supply players with characters and tokens, and let them do whatever they want with them? I mandate that all PCs and NPCs use Bar3 for HP, Bar1 for AC and Bar2 for Movement Speed (Which I have a calculation of Speed/5 so it ends up showing how many squares you can move so for instance it shows 6 if your movement speed is 30 feet.) No exceptions. My players can edit their sheet but I want to be the one adjust the bar/bubble values in combat. keithcurtis said: I think inconsistency in bar/bubble usage within a campaign would cause my brain to skip the tracks and crash into explosive fiery ruin by the railside, a twisted wreck of tangled steel and human misery. But that's just me. This is why I enforce only GM editing bars/bubbles in my campaign. When you take damage, I apply the damage. The bars and bubbles are there for the players to look at but not touch. My players can edit their character sheet but when it comes to such commonly used stats like HP that is in a bar/bubble I prefer to manage it.