I hope this is the right place to post. I have been battling with one aspect in Devin Night's (paid) Tokens for a long time. I love the non-human tokens so much, but the humans always had faces I really disliked. But today I noticed that the faces look good with my current zom settings! that was amazing :D I love his work so much, only had that pet peeve. Now I was thinking, which maps combine best with Devin's tokens? I have been using Gabriel Picard's maps, and probably nothing can get close regarding variety and consistent art style. But I am curious, if there is any alternative out there, an artist that fits even better with Devin's paid content. I am very demanding regarding art, but I think it can be so important for the game... So do you guys have any suggestions? EDIT: Or, are there any tokens that go really well with Gabriel Pickards work? and by the way, I come with these questions after trying to find matching content on the marketplace for a LONG time.