Hi there!  I'm Meg, and I will be your humble DM for this one shot.  This is a home-brew written by me borrowing heavily from the Wizard of Oz, the associated 30+ books in the series, Wicked, movies, cartoons, etc that have been thrown into a blender, and seasoned with other elements of D&D.  I have a day off, and I'm feeling a bit nostalgic.  The bit I'm running for you is an early part of the campaign that I had run for my current crew over a year ago.  (My campaign turned one year old in March.)  I feel like revisiting a bit of that material, so here we are.  Lvl 3 characters.

I'll be running this on May 2nd, and I'm a little flexible as to the start time as long as it starts in the morning for me.  

New folks are always welcome to play.  I'm willing to teach Roll20/D&D/both.

Please visit my listing for more information or to apply: