The Need to Know's Right Now: Edition: D&D 4E Campaign: Homebrewed Current Playtimes: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday(Fun Days) Restrictions: There are little to no restrictions by way of character creation. We do not restrict players based on age, but we will not change the content to suite anything they may find offensive. If something comes up, it will be up to the DM of the session's choice the outcome in the end, and it is not to be argued. Who are you?: I am Mutt, DM of this group for just bit over a year now. It started as a beginner group and sort of... just didn't stop. I am still learning as much as everyone else and am by no means perfect. I will warn, certain races connected to the Feywild should be avoided least you like being made a PinCushion (The Feywild is, in this setting, similar to a cosmic hell after a point in history) Guild's Objective: The "End Game" objective is still heavily shrouded in mystery, as of now the members are trying to make a name for themselves, get their Guild Hall improved, and not die in the process. Who are you trying to recruit?: Players new and old, DM's if possible (more on that upon asking) . Outside of the campaign the group does play together (as you will see on the Thursday Fun days), so even if you're not interested in 4E (or if you are but don't really want in the campaign) the group still welcomes you! If you are interested, but fear you're lost when making a character, never fear! Our group spends a great deal of time crafting various pre-mades that are all usable within this campaign! Now for the In Character recruitment flier: The Adventuring Guild of Valorn is now accepting candidates for full membership. Qualifying persons will be welcomed with a warm bed to rest in between missions, as well as access to the Guild Hall in whole, including its services of a smithy and a library. We are the only organization within Valorn's reach of influence to accept those of Arcane talent, directly given permission by Emperor Fredrick Ungari, First of His Name, to do so. I will warn you, reader, your life will be at risk more often than not. Adventuring is not for the weak of heart, nor the cowards of the soul. The Guild gives no care of your past life, good or bad. Only that you will do everything within your power to complete accepted missions as a professional adventurer. Initial qualifications for membership requires one to be at least of the 8th Season in their respective trade. You will be granted a welcoming gift of one hundred gold and a kit fit for an adventurer with which to make use of as you please, we of course recommend acquiring gear with the coin before setting out on your first task. Now back to OOC we go: I will inform new players that, while we use the 4E system, that works best on a grid map, as of right now I have limited time to work with to make a map for every possible scenario The Guild currently runs into. As a result, if you have a hard time being descriptive, or gathering information from what is being said, this may not be the right place for you. I am attempt to fit more map-making time into my schedule, but there are only so many hours in the day. If you have any questions, feel free to message me here, via PM, or <a href="mailto:theresurgenceoftheguild@gmail.com" rel="nofollow">theresurgenceoftheguild@gmail.com</a> Veteran Amendment: One of my Veteran Members would like the following noted: 1. New members may not talk to Tiny's table* with out Tiny's permission. AND even if Tiny's permission is give to talk to Tiny's table, Tiny get to keep all scrolls to hang on his wall. 2. Tiny is not a Horse. No one may ride Tiny with out Tiny's Permission. We have horses if your legs are short. 3. If you are a puppy, a rabbit, a lizard, or a kitty; Tiny is allowed to pet and cuddle you indiscriminately. *The Table is the Guild's Job Board which seems to favor Tiny... at least as far as the Goliath is concerned.